IT project database

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Convince yourself of the range of our IT consulting services and our unique expertise, which we make transparent for you with our IT project database. With the help of filters and keyword searches, you can search through 2815 IT projects that we have successfully completed with our customers.

In order to use SpiraTeam for test management, the client requires assistance to better understand the functionality and to optimize the setup of SpiraTeam, including the configuration of the add-on for data …
New customer applications are implemented on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). To replace a process in the central application (legacy system), delivery stop files in CSV format or cancellation notifications should be received …
The PTA supports the process of data and system migration in many areas and with various perceived roles. …
PTA supports the data and system migration process by developing the migration tool, helping with testing and suggesting adjustments. They also collect questions and provide information on the use of the old …
Due to a higher and regular demand for evaluations, the master data system is being expanded to include automation for creating and sending available evaluations by email. For this purpose, the existing …
There is a need to replace the previous MDM tool, which was developed over many years, with new software. PTA supports the customer in standardising and documenting the associated master data processes. …
Each month, an employee collects information about licenses from various sources and enters it step by step into a multi-page Excel document that consolidates this information and uses macros for additional checks …
Complex JSON files are created for the configuration of a sample preparation robot. Creating and editing complex JSON files in text format is very time-consuming and error-prone. For this reason, an editor …
There is an existing system for managing hardware-related data (PCs, printers, monitors, locations, people, etc.), which are stored centrally in a SQL Server database and can be edited by the user via …
In order to reduce the time and errors involved in the larger monthly booking process, the master data system is being expanded to include automation of the monthly accrual run. To this …
Due to the introduction of statutory energy cost relief for gas and electricity customers, energy trading companies need to reflect this relief in their automated billing processes. For this purpose, the existing …
In order to reduce the time and errors involved in the larger monthly booking process, the master data system is being expanded to include the automation of monthly billing for alarm services. …
In this project, PTA conducts statistical analysis of the calibration material to optimize costs without significantly compromising quality and production processes. This leads to improved user instructions and the implementation of additional …
The Act on the Introduction of an Electricity Price Brake of December 2022 regulates, on the one hand, the relief for electricity customers in connection with the very sharp rise in energy …
Adjustments to market communication by the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW) will result in process adjustments. As a metering point operator, the customer assumes the central role in communication …
The focus of the project is on connecting an external forecasting system for photovoltaic systems. In addition, basic functionalities for managing photovoltaic systems are being implemented within the customer's internal applications for …
More and more smart metering systems are being used in metering point operation. These metering devices are equipped with smart meter gateways that handle communication. Metering products are being introduced to harmonise …
The incoming document entry system mainly processes electronic documents and a small number of paper invoices and any associated delivery notes for electricity deliveries automatically and carries out plausibility checks on the …
The objective of the project is to convert the existing SAP R/3 ERP core systems to SAP S/4HANA. In addition, state-of-the-art processes for controlling, finance and purchasing processes are to be implemented. …
The current processing system is based on technologies that will in future no longer be supported by the IT service provider. Therefore, the application must be upgraded to a new technological platform. …
All transport associations will be subject to the KRITIS regulation from 2024. This project aims to make the company KRITIS-ready so that KRITIS audits can be successfully completed. PTA advises on the …
New applications of the customer will be implemented on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). The new shipment order system (SAS) to be created is to receive notifications and transform them into shipment …
The specialist application serves two functional areas: On the one hand, the maintenance of master data on the prequalification procedure (PQV) (test catalog, supply areas and prequalification bodies) by the specialist department …
As part of the project, workflows for the administration of counting devices in meter operation will be automated. The background to the implementation is the automated installation/conversion/removal of counting devices on systems …

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Dr. Frank Gredel, ein Mann mit braunen Haaren

Dr. Frank Gredel

Head of Business Development

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