IT project database

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Convince yourself of the range of our IT consulting services and our unique expertise, which we make transparent for you with our IT project database. With the help of filters and keyword searches, you can search through 4644 IT projects that we have successfully completed with our customers.

The aim of the project is to implement a comprehensive process management system for an internationally active customer in the vehicle handling sector. The aim is to identify and realise potential for …
In the IT sub-project (implementation of the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), it is to record the existing data flows, architectures and IT systems in the business analysis for all reporting requirements, …
In this solution, an eIdas QES (Qualified Electronic Signature) is used as a digital signature procedure for loan and leasing contracts for vehicles in the presence of the customer at the car …
The customer offers financing offers for end customers. For this purpose, sensitive data is recorded, identity is confirmed and ultimately a decision is made about granting a loan. As part of the …
In this project, the requirements for the system affected by the product enhancement are collected and the corresponding processes are modeled. PTA assumes the roles of business and process analyst. …
The CSRD sustainability report required by the EU for 2024 requires the technical definition of KPIs for all specific qualitative and quantitative parameters, such as emissions and CO2 reductions, as well as …
In this project, a specification sheet is being drawn up to determine the scope and requirements of the new standard CRM system. The new CRM system should be leaner and more cost-effective …
In this project, a specification for a new individual software is created, which establishes a connection between the sales systems and the processing systems. PTA is responsible for project management - in …
The customer has set up its platform solution for initial pilot customers with the basic software components and is now facing the challenge of rapidly increasing the number of users. An offer …
The processes in an analytical laboratory are analysed and examined for optimization potential, particularly with regard to digitalization. For this purpose, a 2-day workshop is held in which the processes are recorded, …
In preparation for the re-certification of the IT service provider (customer) according to ISO 13485, tools used by the customer in the creation of life science software are to be validated. The …
The customer's IT department is supported within the scope of support, possible process optimisations and the resulting further developments. This mainly involves the areas of order and installation processing, including the input …
The project aims to replace an existing application for recording and analysing data on collective agreements in the care sector. In the course of this new development, the existing functionalities are to …
A mobile application for Android and iOS systems is being developed to control a medical hardware component. This component (dongle), provided by the customer, is used for the thermal treatment of symptoms …
The customer wants to describe and document their solution, systems and products. Classic requirements engineering and system engineering methods are used for this. Context and system models are modelled in Enterprise Architect …
The customer operates a cloud-based application for maintaining events that cause a power plant outage or power reduction. This application is being optimized and further developed as part of the project. PTA …
In preparation for the re-certification of the IT service provider (customer) according to ISO 13485, tools used by the customer in the creation of life science software are to be validated. The …
Inventory reporting in an energy company is being expanded with new products. In national and international energy trading, the energy supply contracts are increasingly being supplemented by certificates of origin and generation. …
In this project, existing standard software is to be replaced by a customised new development. PTA is responsible for overall project management - in close cooperation with the customer - as well …
Quality assurance and testing of a new component to be developed for claims management, including migration of legacy data and integration into the system landscape. In addition to supporting the test management, …
Further development and support of a SOAP-based web service via which data on insurance contracts can be delivered to various internal and international consumers and sent back to the CRM system. The …
In order to ensure the continued market approval of existing products, the technical files are reviewed and, where necessary, remediated and supplemented to establish conformity with the Medical Device Regulation (MDR, (EU) …
As part of a diagnostic and sample distribution device that is on the market, PTA takes on the project management and is responsible for the planning, budgeting, implementation and acceptance of further …
PTA supports the planning of a cross-functional data platform solution. After conducting department-specific PoC's to build data platform solutions, a new solution is to be created that runs on a unified technical …

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Dr. Frank Gredel, ein Mann mit braunen Haaren

Dr. Frank Gredel

Head of Business Development

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