IT project database

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Convince yourself of the range of our IT consulting services and our unique expertise, which we make transparent for you with our IT project database. With the help of filters and keyword searches, you can search through 4644 IT projects that we have successfully completed with our customers.

New customer applications are implemented on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). To replace a process in the central application (legacy system), delivery stop files in CSV format or cancellation notifications should be received …
The PTA supports the process of data and system migration in many areas and with various perceived roles. …
PTA supports the data and system migration process by developing the migration tool, helping with testing and suggesting adjustments. They also collect questions and provide information on the use of the old …
An existing IT system for managing tools is to be modernised technologically and according to current user experience concepts. In technical terms, this affects around 10 issuing centres spread across several locations. …
Adjustments to market communication by the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW) will result in process adjustments. As a metering point operator, the customer assumes the central role in communication …
The customer is planning to convert its SAP ERP systems to a centralized S/4 HANA system. In collaboration with a partner, PTA conducts a pre-study for the S/4 HANA transformation. The current …
The current processing system is based on technologies that will in future no longer be supported by the IT service provider. Therefore, the application must be upgraded to a new technological platform. …
All transport associations will be subject to the KRITIS regulation from 2024. This project aims to make the company KRITIS-ready so that KRITIS audits can be successfully completed. PTA advises on the …
New applications of the customer will be implemented on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). The new shipment order system (SAS) to be created is to receive notifications and transform them into shipment …
Process adjustments are made for innovations in market communication. As the meter operator, the customer assumes the central role in market communication on the electricity market. The adjustments relate primarily to the …
A new and UX-based interaction concept is created for an existing app that has already been tested by pilot customers. The starting point for this is the derivation of usage objects from …
The customer has a legacy application that acts as a legal system. The system is difficult to maintain and technologically outdated. The system is highly integrated into the customer's system landscape and …
The customer acts as an acquirer, i.e. as a link between the credit card providers and the merchants both in traditional stores and online. In addition to acquiring, the customer also provides …
In order to automate existing purchasing processes, the customer is supported in the analysis of the processing logic of the master data storage system to be adapted in cooperation with the specialist …
For the introduction of the ZUGFeRD invoice format, various conceptual tasks are taken on. When using ZUGFeRD, the customer acts as both the invoice issuer and the invoice recipient. For the conception …
Preparation and conduction of training in the area of SAP dunning process and creation of training documentation. …
The project concerns the digitization of processes centering on customer interaction. The focus is on services, that can be entirely consulting in nature as well as comprise the finalization of business deals. …
An existing Access application system for supporting business processes in occupational health and safety is to be replaced by modern technological approaches. In view of the structure of the system concerned, which …
The software currently in use has become outdated and is to be replaced by a new development. Beside just rebuilding the functionality of the old system it is one goal of the …
The client is supported in the procedure for the introduction of a process management system including the selection of appropriate software. …
PTA accompanies the customer, who has no previous experience in the area of Power BI, in the first steps. A one-day workshop is designed for this purpose, which provides an introduction to …
The support and further development of an ambulance software, which was developed and maintained by the PTA over many years, is handed over to a new consulting company by a transition. …
As part of the customer's internal training program, PTA conducts webinars on the fundamentals of software testing. The training provides participants with the theoretical foundation of a structured test process according to …
For one of the world's largest insurers, a standardised digital contract conclusion procedure is being designed with the click of a button to obtain the customer's declaration of intent. Significant optimisation potentials …

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Dr. Frank Gredel, ein Mann mit braunen Haaren

Dr. Frank Gredel

Head of Business Development

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