IT project database

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Convince yourself of the range of our IT consulting services and our unique expertise, which we make transparent for you with our IT project database. With the help of filters and keyword searches, you can search through 2153 IT projects that we have successfully completed with our customers.

Im Rahmen einer Neugestaltung einer Individual-Software durch eine neue, aktuelle Variante, wird auch eine Kalenderfunktion ergänzt. PTA unterstützt hierbei bei der Anbindung an die neue Kalender-Software sowie dem Erstellen neuer, individueller Funktionen. …
Das Aufsetzen eines Entwicklungssystems mit dem Betriebssystem Windows 2019 in der PTA für die Anwendung Intercompany Confirmation Manager. Das Verifizieren der Funktionalitäten der Anwendung Intercompany Confirmation Manager mit dem Betriebssystem Windows 2019. …
Durch die Einführung eines Jira-Projektes wurde die komplette Transparenz aller Aktivitäten zu Betrieb, Wartung und Ablösung einer Hostanwendung geschaffen. Der Fachbereich wurde eingebunden und Scrum als Vorgehen initialisiert und erfolgreich eingeführt. …
A new MS SQL 2012-based data warehouse and reporting platform is set up for controlling and management of online movement data. To this end, servers are installed and administered, and continuous integration …
Introducing SEPA direct debit in a large company in the transport and logistics sector. Customizing is performed in the SAP FI module. Furthermore, the implementation strategy and testing are supported. …
Support is provided for the creation of XSLT scripts to generate customer-specific interchange formats for product catalogs. In addition to the specific implementation, general know-how is provided in the area of XML/XSLT. …
The customer uses IT systems from different manufacturers to support his business processes. These are mainly standard software products, but individual individual software components are also used.  Now the IT landscape is to …
The sales application for the power segment is to be developed with the most advanced techniques and embedded in the new service-oriented company structure for the redesigned website of an insurance company. …
Evaluating and redesigning the implementation of functional logic in the existing product sales software. The project encompasses analysis of the current situation as well as the design, evaluation, prototype implementation and assessment …
Aim of the project is the deployment of an ERP software (SAP) at several sites on the basis of a global template, which covers the customer specific process and functionalities. The objective …
Due to the validation of workflows at an early stage of the product development by gathering feedback from experts and identifying safety and usability issues, regulatory requirements are fulfilled and documented. Therefore, …
The goal of this project was the development of novel interaction concepts allow for an easy and intuitive access to the functionalities of the software. Moreover, PTA was delegated to develop an …
The goal of the project is to support the planning of a usability and acceptance study for evaluating a novel user assistance software. PTA provides support by planning the test procedures, defining …
Based on an audit report by the auditing department, it is to be analyzed and evaluated for the purchasing department of a large company in the transport and logistics sector to what …
The aim of the project is to overhaul and further develop an instrument for coagulation measurement. PTA is responsible for writing the technical requirements and consults on the product requirements and the …
The goals of the project are the early validation of the user interface with domain experts in order to assess the degree to which it supports the laboratory workflows, to identify safety …
Aim of the project is the development of an automated test environment for a laboratory information system. The new tool shall support the development and integration of software modifications. Continuous test cycles …
Supporting project planning and the creation of functional requirements with the aim of an informed approach to IT service providers in the context of a tendering procedure. …
Expanding and quality assurance of the automation of Endur test cases that was introduced, using HP QTP. The created tests are used for automated testing of Endur v12 and are to be …
Expanding existing individual software to map energy trade processes. The software is expanded to include data comparison which identifies and optimally incorporates differences between master data and time series that build on …
The aim of the project is to strengthen business in the SME segment (small and midsize enterprises). Process optimization is intended to simplify creating quotations and editing insurance contracts for special new …
The tasks of the project comprise further development of the existing inventory management system, the analysis and correction of errors, as well as the creation of reports on the data stock. …
Creation of a portal page within a customer portal (Websphere/java/javascript) for the calculation of old-age provision. This web application presents the customer with a tabular and graphic overview of his pension insurance/pension …
Creating a call center portal for PIN/TAN management of online customers. …

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Dr. Frank Gredel, ein Mann mit braunen Haaren

Dr. Frank Gredel

Head of Business Development

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