IT project database

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Convince yourself of the range of our IT consulting services and our unique expertise, which we make transparent for you with our IT project database. With the help of filters and keyword searches, you can search through 4644 IT projects that we have successfully completed with our customers.

A synchronisation software between Azure DevOPS and SpiraTeam is being developed for the customer. This software provides synchronisation of requirements and features, including their hierarchy, in both systems. The PTA is responsible …
Remote copy of client 001 from the test system to the production system in order to clean up the production system afterwards. For the remote client copy, a connection between the test …
Update of the existing SAP system landscape SAP ERP 6.07 to the current support package status. First, the development system and test system must be updated. The components to be patched are …
The aim of the project is to harmonise the business processes of the local subsidiaries of an international Diabetes care company and to support the countries in the implementation of these processes. …
Consultation on optimization of the Groupware system …
Management of the interfaces subproject is included in the course of this project. …
Customer support for the introduction of Microsoft Office 2010. For various specialist departments, MS Access 97 files are converted to the new MS Access 2007/2010 format and any necessary changes are made. …
Design and development of a (communication) forum that makes it possible to record and discuss change requests for existing software systems centrally. The forum provides a rating system that each user can …
Converting the e-mail client from MS Outlook to Lotus Notes. …
The system checks to what extent the MS Office software package (MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint) can be replaced by The assessment focuses on the comparison of functionalities, not …
Replacement of Linkworks as the storage system by a Lotus Notes/Domino application. Introduction of a central record plan corresponding to KGST, as well as possibility to transfer legacy data from LNX. …
Functional and technical design and implementation of the connection for fax support in the agency management and information system. The flexibly designed integration software can be used to communicate with different hardware …
The IT calendar as a Web application with an SQL server in the background is intended to centrally manage information on implemented and planned measures for the different IT operation teams. …
Support in converting Office documents with VBA code during the migration from Office 97 to Office 2003 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook). Windows XP Professional SP2 is used as the client operating system. …
The goal is to create an application which can manage participant data (arrival, departure, cancellation, travel companions) for events with up to 300 participants. …
Development and implementation of a database and its application for managing the company's international addresses. …
Market, performance and cost analysis of different systems for Mobile Business under different requirement conditions. Development of an online and offline prototype. This involved the use of Oracle Business Components for Java …
Front end for MS Word with central database in the background. …
Planning and setting up a training environment for the office communication software Groupwise. Coordination and implementation of the training courses. …
Development of a technical-administrative planning concept for the implementation and operation of Novell GroupWise. …
Creating an installation concept for the WP Office (WordPerfect Office, now Novell GroupWise) office communication system. …
Prototype for connecting Lotus Notes to existing individual software in the agency area. This results in simplified work processes: only one memory for customer-related information. …
Creating standardized, company-wide document templates. Implementing an MS DOS application on the Windows interface. …
Developing, providing and supporting multiple Lotus Domino databases for use with a Notes client and in the intranet. …

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Dr. Frank Gredel, ein Mann mit braunen Haaren

Dr. Frank Gredel

Head of Business Development

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