IT project database

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Convince yourself of the range of our IT consulting services and our unique expertise, which we make transparent for you with our IT project database. With the help of filters and keyword searches, you can search through 4644 IT projects that we have successfully completed with our customers.

The client is planning to digitalise its HR department and would like to introduce a modern HCM solution (Human Capital Management) with the components Time & Attendance, Absence, Compensation & Benefits, Talent …
The customer operates and maintains an SAP HCM system on behalf of the company on which only the HR (Human Resources) application is operated. This system is used, among other things, to …
As part of a major system upgrade to SAP ERP 6.07 with a simultaneous move to new hardware, the ERP system is converted to Unicode. The SAP module Human Resources (HR) with …
Development of an interface between a self-developed accounting and invoicing system and the DATEV-based accounting system. Additional analysis of the possibilities for the automation of interfaces and coordination of technical, functional and …
Plan and perform release switches from SAP R/3 4.7 to SAP ERP 6.05. This project comprises two two-system landscapes, a sandbox system and two three-system landscapes used by four companies. The release …
As-is analysis and requirements definition for a time recording system to be used to record data for human resources management in SAP HCM. In addition to working hours, the basic data for …
Implementation of various adjustments (e.g. for balance sheet analysis) and interfaces (e.g. for bonus accounting for suppliers and for wages and salary). …
After a company takeover, the whole of financial accounting has to be migrated from SAP to an individual American software. Additionally, a migration from PAISY Host to PAISY C/S is necessary. …
Support for the implementation of interfaces for exchanging data between an invoicing system, SAP HR, an order and customer database, a holiday management system, and SAP FI. …
Conception and implementation of an Internet application for the detailed recording and processing of attendance times, maintenance and display of contact data as well as holiday applications and holiday administration. The recorded …
Remote maintenance support of the Interflex 5000 time recording software used in the sales outlets. Support in the area of the PPSS (personal planning and control software) individual software. …
Introducing an order fee in a plant construction company, on the basis of SAP R/2 RP. …
Introducing and supporting payroll and salary accounting, on the basis of SAP R/2 RP. …
Consulting and support for the introduction of time management based on SAP R/2 RP. …
Creating a requirements definition for restructuring and further developing the information systems in a pharmaceutical company. …
Analysis of weaknesses and target conceptual design for the information systems in a student union for the fields of accounting, living area management, canteen operations. …
Release upgrade for the module RP (Wage and Payroll Accounting) in SAP R/2 from Release 4 to Release 5. …
Ongoing support for and further development of SAP R/3 HR. In addition to payroll accounting, basic support is also provided for the R/3 installation. …
Creating a rough data processing concept for implementing time recording on construction sites. …
Creating a system for recording employee information, wage types and working times, with an interface to the payroll accounting program via an ASCII file. …

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Dr. Frank Gredel, ein Mann mit braunen Haaren

Dr. Frank Gredel

Head of Business Development

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