IT project database

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Convince yourself of the range of our IT consulting services and our unique expertise, which we make transparent for you with our IT project database. With the help of filters and keyword searches, you can search through 4630 IT projects that we have successfully completed with our customers.

Long-term support in the further development of applications in the area of purchasing systems of a food trading company. …
Long-term support in the further development of applications in the area of purchasing systems of a food trading company. …
The project focuses on the representation of XML files in HTML with the help of XSLT. This goal is to be achieved by creating templates that can be used to compare purchasing …
The central enterprise resource planning based on SAP R/3 Retail (connected with SAP BW) is also to be used for the European regional companies. These need to be integrated into the central …
Creation of unit tests for existing stored procedures (PL/SQL) for a purchasing system in a food store chain. The "Dell Code Tester for Oracle" tool is used to support the implementation. …
Long-term support for the further development of applications in the area of a food chain's purchasing systems. …
As part of a group-wide SAP introduction project, the Purchasing department will be given methodological support for the creation of a detailed specification. Compliance with the company's established methodological requirements for modeling …
Within the framework of a group-wide implementation of SAP in an international trading company, support will be provided to the purchasing department for the documentation and planning of business processes. The focus …
The capability for compliance with limits on blanket orders has to be extented. For the purchasing department, a report is created comparing the amount of the invoices and order with the limits …
Long-term support for the further development of applications in the area of a food chain's purchasing systems. …
Introducing a tracking system to inspect the involvement of the purchasing department in ordering process of a logistics company. Extent to which the buyers are bound by the relevant departments in the …
The central enterprise resource planning based on SAP R/3 is also to be used for the European regional companies. These need to be integrated into the central system. In parallel to these …
Analysis of the input interfaces between web-based affiliate applications and the central retail application based on SAP R/3. Proposals have to be created to solve the weaknesses. …
Further development of an existing application that is implemented worldwide around 400 times for logistical supply of large-scale construction sites by external vendors. The further development comprises restriction of functionality. Vendors who …
The item and supplier master data in various enterprise resource planning systems distributed across different countries is to be standardized. Using a centralized SAP Retail system as the basis, the master data …
Further development of an existing application used around the world approximately 400 times for the logistical supply of major construction sites by external suppliers in order to enable the control and coordination …
Project review with the following focuses: Status of requirements, conceptual design, implementation, procedures used, methods and tools, project status and project plan, project risks and proposal for further strategy. …
The applications in the Internet and intranet portal for the customer's suppliers and employees, which are currently based entirely on TYPO3, are to be replaced during the course of this project, step …
Further development of an existing application used around the world approximately 400 times for the logistical supply of major construction sites by external suppliers; the development adds an import function from MS …
Migrating a decentralized system for the logistical processing of major construction sites, in which the central component for logistical monitoring is migrated from .NET 1.1 to .NET 2.0 and functions are expanded. …

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Dr. Frank Gredel, ein Mann mit braunen Haaren

Dr. Frank Gredel

Head of Business Development

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