IT project database

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Convince yourself of the range of our IT consulting services and our unique expertise, which we make transparent for you with our IT project database. With the help of filters and keyword searches, you can search through 4585 IT projects that we have successfully completed with our customers.

In this project, a specification for a new individual software is created, which establishes a connection between the sales systems and the processing systems. PTA is responsible for project management - in …
Laboratory middleware has the task of automating sample distribution to various devices in the analytical testing laboratory. A wide variety of devices are involved in the sample processing workflow, from sample preparation …
The project aims to redevelop an existing application for receiving and displaying data and making it available for publication. The new development is intended to achieve modern user guidance and accessibility and …
Data from various sources that are connected via special middleware systems, including Kafka Streaming, must be processed and analyzed. The analysis programs were previously connected directly to the source systems, which led …
The customer has set up its platform solution for initial pilot customers with the basic software components and is now facing the challenge of rapidly increasing the number of users. An offer …
Conception and introduction of an end-to-end production process for consumables. Development and connection of a user interface (MS Power Apps) via SAP CPI to SAP ERP. …
The project aims to replace an existing application for recording and analysing data on collective agreements in the care sector. In the course of this new development, the existing functionalities are to …
An exchange of product master data and order data between Business Central and the suppliers is to be made possible via an EDI interface. The task is to identify a suitable provider …
Support and further development of a large number of existing IT applications for the administration of a power plant in the area of customised software development. The applications in the form of …
Development of interface mappings and administration of EDI processes for logistics companies in a service data centre. The logistical processes in the area of transport management and warehouse management are supported, with …
For an internationally operating food retailer, the PTA project team is supporting and further developing an interface for the exchange of purchasing master data, the task of which is to make data …
The aim of the project is the migration of a (near) real-time streaming application. The application is used to process and visualize event data in near real time. The challenge lies in …
Adjustments to market communication by the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW) will result in process adjustments. As a metering point operator, the customer assumes the central role in communication …
The PTA creates an implementation plan and a requirements specification to clarify the necessary functional extensions for integrating the Grid Failure Information Module (GFI) module into the IT system environment of the …
PTA supports the migration of interface functions from an on-premise Linux server to an AWS cloud-based infrastructure. The data transfer is between host systems and Oracle databases. The data import into the …
The focus of the project is on connecting an external forecasting system for photovoltaic systems. In addition, basic functionalities for managing photovoltaic systems are being implemented within the customer's internal applications for …
PTA supports the migration of interface functions from an on-premise Linux server to an AWS cloud-based infrastructure. The data transfer is between host systems and Oracle databases. Linux shell scripts are used …
As part of the migration of a central SAP system from ERP to S/4HANA, the processes, especially the intercompany business processes are being redesigned and adapted to the changed system landscape. The …
Creation of a knowledge base on the technical meanings of the data coming from the Energy Trading and Risk Management (ETRM) system: The technical meaning of the data flowing from the Endur …
Support and further development of a variety of existing IT applications for the administration of a power plant in the area of individual software development. The applications in the form of desktop/intranet …
As part of a diagnostic and sample distribution device that is on the market, PTA takes on the project management and is responsible for the planning, budgeting, implementation and acceptance of further …
A central SAP system is being migrated from R/3 to S/4HANA. In context of this, business processes for customer service are redesigned and adjusted to the new system landscape. This includes processes …
New applications of the customer will be implemented on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). The new shipment order system (SAS) to be created is to receive notifications and transform them into shipment …
Conversion of treatment to euros when using a money scale while retaining the old currency for a limited period of time. The cash scales used in the country have been converted by …

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Dr. Frank Gredel, ein Mann mit braunen Haaren

Dr. Frank Gredel

Head of Business Development

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