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Development of a tool for live presentation of hourly Endur positions

Project duration: 2 years, 1 month

Brief description

The goal of the project is a tool for representing positions from Endur in hourly resolution (or finer) for any chosen period of time.


There are no alternatives on the market, which is why the complete software will be individually developed. A server, in the form of a main storage database, makes all positions and deal master data available. It supplies end user clients, which are implemented as RCP applications, or a service interface for other systems. It is possible for any number of positions to be aggregated and delivered in fractions of a second, even in multi-user mode.

Subject description

The customer wants to view and compare positions from practically all deal types without delay and aggregated in any way he likes. The Endur component APM fails to deliver the requirement of an hourly resolution across all time periods. That is why the decision was made for an in-house development.


Project period01.04.2010 - 30.04.2012

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Sector Manager Energy

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