Values & Code of Conduct

1. Preamble

Since its foundation in 1969, PTA IT-Beratung has established a Code of Conduct as part of its corporate and organizational development. This Code of Conduct will continue to provide all employees at all branches, locations and work environments with a clear understanding of nationally and internationally recognized environmental, labor and social standards.

It is the declared goal of PTA and its shareholders that all activities and services contributing to the business success of PTA are based on these values and that all employees, managers and stakeholders are aware of these fundamentally important values and guidelines, live them and act accordingly.

These principles and values guide PTA’s actions in dealing with its business partners (in the sense of customers, suppliers and partner companies), other interested parties and all affiliated companies within the PTA Group. They are to be consistently implemented in the collaboration as far as it is within the PTA’s sphere of influence. PTA reserves the right to review its business partners’ compliance with the Code of Conduct in order to intervene if necessary or to offer to assist them in meeting the requirements set forth in this Code of Conduct.

The expectations placed on us and our business partners are based on international and national standards such as the principles of the UN Global Compact, the core labor standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the BME Code of Conduct adopted by the BME (Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik e.V.). In addition, the sustainability requirements for PTA suppliers take into account the requirements of the German Supply Chain Sustainability Act (LkSG).

2. areas of application

PTA and all business partners are committed to conducting business in an ethical, legal and responsible manner and to aligning their business activities with the following values:

  • Recognizing human rights and ensuring appropriate working conditions for all employees
  • Minimizing the impact on the environment
  • Use of high ethical and moral business standards

3. data protection, confidentiality, secrecy

For us, protecting and guaranteeing the confidentiality of our business partners’ data is the basis for a trusting working relationship.

In principle, all PTA employees have signed an explicit non-disclosure agreement, which obliges them to keep secret any confidential, personal and internal company information and, in particular, business and trade secrets that become known in the course of their work for PTA or for a customer of PTA.

Confidential data includes, in particular, all contractual performance results, i.e. program and source codes, documentation, data, data extracts and databases, interfaces, samples, drafts and drawings.

In particular, all employees have undertaken not to make this information, which has become accessible in the course of their work, available to third parties – i.e. non-participating contractual partners – either directly or indirectly, or to utilize it in any other way.

In addition to this protection of trade and business secrets, the management and employees are committed to protecting personal data in compliance with the GDPR with the help of current technical and organizational measures.

The only exception to the above obligations is the disclosure of data and other information on the basis of statutory provisions or court or official orders. In such cases, disclosure must be notified to the respective other party in writing without delay, stating the content and scope.

4. Human rights & working environment & employees

PTA is committed to recognizing, supporting and ensuring compliance with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and expects the same from its business partners.

PTA and all business partners ensure that the working environment (machines, equipment, work processes, etc.) does not endanger the physical integrity or health of people.

The workplace and its surroundings must have suitable emergency exits, sanitary facilities, fire protection, lighting, office equipment, etc. In addition, care must be taken to protect non-smokers.

It goes without saying that child labor, forced labor or any form of slavery are an absolute taboo for PTA and our business partners and would lead to the immediate termination of our cooperation.

Neither PTA nor its business partners will permit discriminatory actions that could damage tolerance and acceptance for the diversity of all people (skin color, gender, sexual orientation and identity, religious beliefs, political convictions, age, national, social or ethnic origin, family obligations, etc.) and cause exclusion, insults or other negative effects.

PTA and all business partners pay their employees sufficient and appropriate remuneration and social benefits to ensure an adequate standard of living. They also guarantee not to pay salaries or wages below the respective statutory minimum wage regulations. This also includes fair compensation for overtime and adherence to the necessary recovery times for breaks and vacations so as not to endanger the health and safety of employees.

PTA and all business partners grant their employees the right to form and join trade unions, the right to collective bargaining and the right to strike. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention 98, membership in a trade union or employee representative body is not a reason for unequal treatment. Forming, joining and being a member of a trade union must not be used as a reason for unjustified discrimination or retaliation.

5. Environment

The principle applies to PTA and its business partners to observe all applicable laws and regulations for the protection of the environment within the scope of their business activities, to minimize environmental pollution and to continuously improve their environmental protection measures. These include, in particular, the reduction of CO2 emissions, careful use of water and measures to preserve air and soil quality. When handling waste or even any hazardous materials, ensure their safe handling, reuse or disposal. Processes to reduce the use of resources and waste must always be promoted.

PTA and its business partners confirm that all products delivered for PTA are compliant with the EU Directive 2011/65 RoHS and the Ordinance on Electrical Substances (ElektroStoffV). The products and packaging comply with the REACh Regulation of the European Council (EC) No. 1907/2006. They are not included in the affected list and are free of prohibited substances according to the regulation. Otherwise, a list of affected products indicating the restriction is attached. In addition, the WEEE Directive (Waste of Electrical and Electronical Equipment – EU Directive 2012/19/EU) is observed. Furthermore, it is confirmed that the respective raw material suppliers do not import any materials (e.g. gold, tantalum, tin, tungsten ore) from conflict regions (e.g. Congo, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi) and that they comply with the Dodd-Frank Act para. 1502 act.

PTA is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001. In the sense of the CIP (continuous improvement process) required herein, it is also a concern of the PTA to tap existing energy saving potentials and to promote energy-saving behaviors.

6. Ethical and moral business standards

PTA requires itself and its business partners to comply with applicable national and international laws and regulations in all its business activities and to comply with applicable anti-money laundering, anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws and regulations in all its business activities.

As part of its organization and management culture, PTA has established guidelines that govern the internal handling of gifts, invitations or the granting of other benefits.

7. Language, equality & diversity

Since language has a very great influence on cooperation, we would like to express our point of view and our self-image at this point, without demanding binding standards.

PTA’s culture has always been and will always be gender-responsive, equal opportunity, and generally non-discriminatory. Any sign or incident that violates the above principles will be investigated, counteracted if necessary and sanctioned.

In this context, gender equality in the sense of equal opportunities and also securing the future is an explicit self-image of our corporate policy.

The freedom of personality of every individual and employee is protected, but freedom of opinion and an open culture of discussion, debate and error are also key features of our company.

Consequently, we give every employee the freedom to choose their own language, taking into account our non-discriminatory and gender-neutral culture.

We recommend adapting the language in line with social change and general communication and writing habits.

But this also means showing mutual tolerance and composure as the maxim of our actions. Thus, the collegial and tolerant cooperation of our company has been an essential success factor since its foundation.

8. Give hints and consequences

All PTA employees and business partners have the opportunity to report grievances – anonymously if they wish – online, in writing or in a personal meeting.

It goes without saying that the confidentiality of the whistleblower is protected. The official complaints office and always the management are responsible for receipt and follow-up.

Anonymous information about:

This form(click here)

Personal information to the complaints office:

Heike Schuster, Mail:,Tel. 0211-913289 202

Vakhtang Kopaliani, Mail:, Tel. 0621-41960948

Ivette Pribbernow, Mail:, Tel. +41442467677

Tim Köhler, Mail:, Tel. +41442467672

Personal note to the management:

Matthias Wossidlo, Mail:, Tel. 0621-41960-601

Dr. Tim Walleyo, Mail:, Tel. 0621-41960-940

Peter Fischer, Mail:, Tel. 0621-41960-0

Tim Köhler, Mail:, Tel. +41442467672

> Note: All personal designations are to be understood as gender-neutral in case of doubt. <

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