Salesforce Customer 360 Platform

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Innovative customer experience

Everything on one platform, including the ability to develop new applications to delight your customers. The Salesforce Customer 360 Platform offers all of this. With the help of attractive mobile apps, your customers can get in touch with your company. Create a unique customer experience by linking your customer data with your apps. You will then be able to better predict your customers’ behavior and offer them a special service.

Darstellung der Salesforce Customer 360 Oberfläche

Do you have ideas on how to make your processes more efficient? The Salesforce Customer 360 Platform supports you by giving you the opportunity to easily turn your ideas into applications and apps – for increased productivity, better collaboration or closer networking. By further integrating your back office systems into Salesforce Customer 360, you can make your company more efficient. Connect your systems via powerful APIs and integrate any external data source with the Salesforce platform.

AI-supported Salesforce Customer Relationship Management for sales optimization

Sales professionals know this: they need to be close to their customers, know what moves them and be on hand with personal recommendations at the right time. That sounds easier than it sometimes is. This is because unpleasant tasks often take up a lot of time, making it difficult to devote yourself fully to your core business.

The AI-supported CRM plugin for Salesforce Customer 360 for sales optimization from PTA can help avoid such bottlenecks. Thanks to intelligent services, the plugin supports you from lead generation to customer care and long-term customer loyalty – always with the right data and recommendations. But how exactly does such a plugin for Salesforce Customer 360 work? Our experts demonstrate this in this video using the example of a potential new customer. To do this, the sales employee enters their name into the CRM system using the plugin’s input mask. This then triggers a request to an AI service that is connected via a database of our AI partner Kendaxa. The database matches the entry and plays the corresponding address data record, which can be quickly and easily transferred to the local CRM system at the click of a mouse – without any media discontinuity. The highlight: Since even the data records transferred to the local CRM system are still linked to the Kendaxa database, the intelligent service can also be used to automatically transfer similar companies and their information to the CRM system with little effort. An indicator display reliably shows the extent to which the companies recorded match, for example whether they operate in the same sector or region. In this way, new leads can be gained quickly, which can be bundled into a precisely tailored campaign.

This is how intelligent, modern customer relationship management works with Salesforce Customer 360. With our fully integrated AI-supported CRM plugin, you can take your sales to a new level, save time and always be at eye level with your customers. And another advantage: as our plugin includes a generic service, individual user interfaces can be created for all common
CRM systems

Salesforce Customer 360: Sales Cloud

Darstellung der Salesforce Sales Cloud 360 Oberfläche

With the Sales Cloud from Salesforce Customer 360, you can sell the way you want and connect with your customers the way your customers want. Sell smarter and faster, platform agnostic with Einstein and Lightning, all on a unified, AI-powered platform. Provide a personalized customer experience with a 360-degree view of your customer. Marketing, sales and service are coordinated at every stage of the customer journey.

As the world’s leading CRM platform, the Sales Cloud from Salesforce Customer 360 is used by the most successful sales teams – from lead generation to invoicing and customer retention. Because
Artificial intelligence
is part of the sales process and data and information about the best leads as well as the next steps and recommendations are displayed automatically. Salesforce Customer 360 is a platform that adapts to you and increases your productivity – from the inbox to the customer appointment and even in the field, as the platform is also available on mobile devices.

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Salesforce Customer 360: Marketing Cloud

With the Marketing Cloud from Salesforce Customer 360, you have all the marketing tools you need on a single platform. With the Journey Builder, you can create personalized customer journeys that take into account all channels such as email, mobile apps, ads and the internet. No matter where your customers get in touch with you, you have a central platform on which you have an overview. With the help of AI, you can quickly create and adapt customized content for each customer – for emails and advertising, mobile devices and e-commerce, through to social media and customer communities.

Offer your customers products that they like or – thanks to Einstein – that they didn’t even know they liked.

Darstellung der Salesforce Marketing Cloud 360 Oberfläche

Salesforce Customer 360: Service Cloud

Darstellung der Salesforce Service Cloud 360 Oberfläche

Interact with your customers how and when they want to. Thanks to the AI-supported platform, you make it easier for your service employees to connect with your customers, no matter when and where and on which device. Even before the customer has a problem, you can already find the solution. Get a 360-degree view with the help of Salesforce Customer so that everyone involved has the necessary transparency. Because the more you know about the customer, the more you can inspire them with good service. Knowledge is the key to success.

The Salesforce Customer 360 Service Cloud allows you to grow with your requirements and offer a consistent customer experience across all channels. Whether social networks, text messages, the Internet, e-mails, telephone calls, products, service portals or communities. This allows you to react just as quickly to changes and adapt your service to your customers. Thanks to central networking on a single platform, field staff are also always up-to-date. You can integrate any number of backend systems and adapt customer processes without any programming effort – with tools such as Lightning and Process Builder.

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Salesforce Customer 360: Commerce Cloud

Sell smarter with the Commerce Cloud and inspire your customers with a seamless and innovative customer journey. Connect with your customers in a unique way: online, offline and via mobile devices. Online, your customers can interact with you on engaging mobile sites and through promotions. In-store, inspire your customers with personalized shopping experiences that you can combine online and offline. This allows your customers to buy your product immediately, when and where they want.

Darstellung der Salesforce Commerce Cloud 360 Oberfläche

The personalized shopping experience ranges from product selection and price to filter results and recommendations. The
digitization in retail
plays a decisive role in this and makes it possible to reach and serve your customers on all channels. Your customers can order from anywhere and receive deliveries and contact your customer service, while your store managers and sales staff can concentrate fully on advising customers on site in the store and track sales figures directly in real time.

Relevant questions about the Salesforce Customer 360 Platform

What are the main features of Salesforce Customer 360?

Salesforce Customer 360 provides a central platform that enables comprehensive integration of customer data and creates personalized customer experiences. The main functions include AI-supported customer relationship management, the development of individual applications and the integration of back-office systems via powerful APIs.

How does Salesforce Customer 360 differ from other CRM solutions?

Salesforce Customer 360 is characterized by its comprehensive integration of sales, marketing and service functions on a unified platform, supported by advanced AI technologies. This platform offers a 360-degree view of the customer, enables networking across all channels and increases productivity through customized applications and process automation.
process automation

Which industries benefit from the Salesforce Customer 360 Platform?

Salesforce Customer 360 can be used in almost any industry, including retail, financial services, healthcare, manufacturing and technology. Every industry can benefit from the personalized customer approach, improved sales processes and the ability to manage all customer data centrally and clearly.

Optimize the customer experience with Salesforce Customer

With the Commerce Cloud from Salesforce Customer 360, you can optimize the sales process and create an excellent customer experience. Connect with your customers both online and offline as well as via mobile devices. Our
IT service
supports you by providing the necessary customization and
software implementation
by carrying it out. Take advantage of Salesforce Customer 360 to ensure a consistent and comprehensive customer experience that maximizes your competitiveness and future viability.

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Florian Schuler, ein Mann mit dunkelblonden Haaren

Florian Schuler

Topic Manager Platform Salesforce

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