Life Science

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Digitalization of health: future-proof systems

The Life Science division of PTA IT Consulting is characterized by intensive synergies between IT and the specialist disciplines of healthcare, medicine, medical technology, chemistry, pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. The digitalization of healthcare is playing an ever greater role in all of these areas by increasingly networking and automating core processes. The focus is always on people as users or patients. In our experience, a key success factor for digitalization and networking projects in the healthcare industry is a deep understanding of the technical processes. In combination with sound IT expertise and many years of experience in dealing with complex project framework conditions, such as diverse stakeholders and extensive regulatory requirements, digitalization projects, medical software products and medical devices can be successfully implemented.

The ongoing digitalization of the healthcare system therefore requires not only technological expertise, but also a holistic understanding of the specific challenges and processes in this sector. This is the only way to fully exploit the potential of digitalization and develop sustainable solutions that meet the needs of patients, users and companies.

Tailor-made solutions for the digitalization of the healthcare industry

digitization in the healthcare sector
opens up enormous potential for increasing efficiency and productivity in testing and routine diagnostic laboratories. In order to fully exploit this potential, precise knowledge of the processes and their successful implementation in software is essential. Companies only become sustainably productive when all aspects of system engineering are competently implemented. This requires an in-depth understanding of the technical framework, coupled with extensive experience in implementing all aspects of the product life cycle – from organization to quality management and product development.

Grafik: Eine Krankenhauskraft managed ein digitales System

The PTA is characterized by its special ability to combine a high level of expertise in the specialist discipline and in information technology. This strength is particularly evident in the areas of health and digitalization. We accompany you from the idea to the (software) product with great technical understanding and methodical expertise. Our expert quality management supports you in developing your software as a medical device. In addition, we flexibly take on work packages or entire parts of the product life cycle based on our ISO 13485 or ISO 62304 certification.

Thanks to our many years of experience in networking a wide range of IT systems in the healthcare sector, we are able to develop customized solutions that are tailored to your specific needs and those of your employees, customers and patients. We understand your use cases and apply our knowledge in a targeted manner to drive digitalization in the field of healthcare and make your company fit for the future.

Eine Krankenhauskraft arbeitet mit einem Tablet


In future, interdisciplinary and cross-thematic communication between service providers and cost bearers will be largely digital.

Nahaufnahme von einem Mikroskop bei der Arbeit

Medical Technology

The more the healthcare market focuses on increasing efficiency, the more it automates: in administration, care and diagnosis.

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Our experts for your digitalization in the healthcare sector

Verschiedene technische und naturwissenschaftliche Studiengänge

PTA GmbH can look back on an impressive track record of over 450 successfully completed projects in the life science sector. Our more than 430 highly qualified employees not only have a scientific background, but also many years of research experience. This combination of technical expertise and scientific competence forms the foundation for our outstanding position as a reliable partner for digitalization in the field of healthcare.

As a development partner, our teams of experts take on complete IT development projects or support you in individual project phases throughout the entire application life cycle (ALM) right through to a product that is ready for approval. We implement quality and risk management in accordance with international standards (ISO 9001, ISO 14971, ISO 13485, IEC 62304, GxP, IVDR, MDR or FDA) and take care of the audit-proof or approval-proof documentation of your software developments.

Another focus of our work is on supporting the implementation of IHE/HL7 workflows and the
electronic patient file
. We contribute our expertise in areas such as usability (IEC 62366), requirements engineering, user experience, workflow simulation and virtualization to drive forward the digitalization of healthcare and develop sustainable solutions.

Research our IT projects in the life science sector

Relevant questions on digitalization in the healthcare sector

What does digitalization of health mean?

Digitalization in the healthcare sector involves the integration of digital technologies and IT systems in the healthcare industry in order to network and automate processes and increase efficiency. The aim is to improve both the quality of patient care and the efficiency of healthcare providers.

What are the benefits of digitalization for the healthcare industry?

The digitalization of the healthcare sector offers numerous benefits, including improved patient care, faster diagnoses, more efficient administrative processes and optimized collaboration between different players in the healthcare sector. It also enables personalized medicine and facilitates access to health information.

What are the challenges of digitalization in the healthcare sector?

The digitalization of healthcare faces challenges such as protecting sensitive health data, complying with strict regulatory requirements, integrating different IT systems and ensuring a user-friendly application for patients and healthcare staff.

How does PTA IT consulting support digitalization in the healthcare sector?

PTA GmbH supports the digitalization of the healthcare industry through comprehensive IT development projects, quality and risk management in accordance with international standards and the
software implementation
of IHE/HL7 workflows and electronic patient records. Our teams of experts support projects from the initial idea through to a product that is ready for approval.

Successful digitalization in the healthcare industry with the PTA

Our interdisciplinary approach, which combines technological expertise with an in-depth understanding of the specific requirements and
process automation
in the healthcare sector makes us the ideal partner for exploiting the opportunities of
digital transformation
in the healthcare sector. With our broad range of services, from consulting and development to support, we accompany you on the path to sustainable, digitalized healthcare.

Benefit from our experience from numerous successfully completed projects and let us master the challenges of digitalization in the healthcare sector together. We look forward to getting to know you and working with you to develop innovative solutions that create real added value for everyone involved.

Have we sparked your interest?

Dr. Thomas Steinmann, ein Mann im Anzug

Dr. Thomas Steinmann

Sector Manager Life Science

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