Medical technology

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Digitalization in medicine: sustainable approaches

The healthcare market is under immense pressure to be efficient and innovative. In addition, ever stricter legal requirements apply. One possible answer is digitalization in the field of medicine, for example in the form of networking medical devices with their existing medical environment. This applies to data exchange for treatment, care and diagnosis as well as with the administration. Medical devices with a high proportion of software are already commonplace today. A clearly defined product vision, clean implementation and approval-compliant documentation of development are essential prerequisites for surviving in the highly regulated medical environment.

In the context of digitalization in medicine, PTA essentially addresses four areas:

Nahaufnahme von einem Mikroskop bei der Arbeit

Challenges and use cases for successful digitalization in medicine

A good medical technology product is created by taking into account a combination of medically sensible, (IT) technically feasible and legal requirements. The MDR/IVDR restructuring in particular requires development and documentation experience that many manufacturers still need to build up in order to successfully master digitalization in medicine. Engineering, IT, organization and quality management must work together to make sensible business decisions that ensure the continued existence of existing products on the market and help to open up new business areas.

The development and operation of complex networked medical technology requires a wide range of expertise and a view of the big picture. In particular, the integration of medical devices into the complex laboratory IT infrastructure requires many years of technical and IT experience.

Eine Krankenhauskraft arbeitet mit einem Tablet

Here, PTA offers exceptional competence in the combination of technical expertise and an economic sense of proportion in consulting and implementation with regard to digitalization in medicine, which allows manufacturers to focus on the product vision and operate successfully in the long term.

Precise implementation

Outsourcing of product lines

Regulatory expertise

Technical, IT and methodological know-how

Digitalization: Use cases in medicine


Solution approaches

Eine Ärztin vor einem Bildschirm mit Scanns eines Gehirns

Laboratory information systems are the hub and integration platform for all technical processes in the laboratory. They integrate a variety of medical devices and processes, supported by digitalization in medicine, and allow efficient interaction both within the laboratory and with the system landscape of the clinic or laboratory community. PTA’s special combination of technical and IT expertise enables a global market leader to outsource the product development of its internationally marketed products.

From technical specification to design, development, quality assurance, roll-out and 3rd-level support, PTA covers far more than traditional software development. The integration of instruments into laboratory workflows is already taken into account in the development phase of the devices through close cooperation, interfaces are defined at an early stage and the efficient implementation of new device functions in the integrated laboratory environment is made considerably easier by expanding IT at an early stage. This has made us one of the few IT service providers with comprehensive laboratory IT expertise in Germany for more than 15 years, paving the way for digitalization in the field of medicine.

  • Professional, technical and methodological expertise in laboratory IT
  • All-in service for LIS (further) development
  • Exceptional experience in regulated software development in accordance with ISO/EN 62304
  • Development experience on the device, LIS and integration sides
  • Highest priority of the development team on product quality

An established patient data management system (PDMS), essential for digitalization in medicine, is subject to new criteria for approval due to the adaptation of the MDR. A diagnosis- and therapy-critical functionality of the current PDMS is not sufficiently developed and documented after the reassessment. By creating a certification strategy and redeveloping the critical component using PTA’s ISO 13485-certified quality management system, a declaration of conformity can be issued to ensure continued operation as a medical device.

  • Certification strategy
  • SW development according to PTA QMS
  • Declaration of conformity

Established manufacturers of medical devices such as suction pumps, obstetric devices and infusion pumps must re-approve their products under the new EU Medical Device Regulation MDR (EU 2017/745). Following an assessment of the existing documentation by the PTA, gaps in risk management acts, requirements, specification, verification and validation documentation are identified and closed in accordance with an agreed procedure. The PTA provides support with documentation, but also with verification and setting up a document management system.

  • New approval according to MDR (EU 2017/745)
  • Assessment of risk management according to ISO/EN 14971
  • Gap analysis documentation in accordance with ISO/EN 13485 and ISO/EN 62304
  • Revision process
  • Closing documentation gaps
  • Carrying out verification tests (software and hardware)

A good idea becomes a product when a highly qualified team from a wide range of disciplines works together effectively and flexibly. This results in prototypes and initial routine samples of a device that integrates hardware, software and AI components.

With the professionalization of the product, organizational units such as sales, R&D, production and support must be created that work together efficiently – a transformation process is taking place. The PTA provides advice and also supports implementation through practical collaboration, e.g. as a product owner and scrum master.

  • Operational Assessment
  • Establishment of an agile process model
  • Pragmatic solutions
  • Accompanying the implementation
  • Collaboration in configuration management, interface design, project and program management, QA, risk analysis, software development

A component manufacturer for medical devices is expanding its portfolio with a new, complex medical device. During the development of the new device software, the PTA is available as a discussion partner for architecture and design decisions.

  • Software architecture consulting
  • Medical device software
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Digitalization in medicine - shape the future of medical technology with us

8 Rudernde in einem Boot

Product Definition Team (PDT)

We work with our customers to develop a shared vision of new, promising products. With our unique range of services, we support you from the product idea to the product vision: Targeted product realization begins with the detailed and sustainable definition of a planned product (product definition). This ranges from scoping to complete requirements documentation, which includes the identification of the relevant topics with responsible contact persons as well as the development and communication of the core functionalities to all internal and external stakeholders.

In the next step, the product specification is developed using requirement engineering. With the help of business analyses, we compare the specifications with the market requirements and thus check whether the planned product can survive on the market. Based on the available analyses and specifications, which also take into account the aspects of digitalization in medicine, we develop the system architecture and check the usability using modern user experience methods.
This is followed by a technical evaluation and the development of concepts for the software implementation by our team of developers.
In this way, we support our customers from the product vision and definition through to the market-ready product.

How our product definition team supports customers in the digitalization of processes in medicine

Project ID: 3302

Requirements recording for a software update of a laboratory instrument

Project ID: 4643

Project management and facilitation for laboratory landscapes of the future

New requirements due to digitalization in medicine: quality and risk management

Manufacturers of medical devices that contain software or consist entirely of software have to cope with many and constantly changing regulatory requirements for quality and risk management QM/RM. ISO 13485 certification allows us to establish a quality management system that complies with European and US guidelines (FDA, 21 CFR part 820). This also applies to the software development process we use (IEC 62304) and risk management for medical devices (ISO 14971). Furthermore, we support you in the assessment of usability (IEC 62366) in order to minimize risks due to unsuitability for use, e.g. due to incorrect operation. We also help you to comply with the following regulations:

Grafik: Eine Krankenhauskraft managed ein digitales System
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Quality and risk management - our projects in the context of digitalization in medicine

Project ID: 4196

Quality representative medical device manufacturer

Project ID: 3024

Laboratory IT and process consulting in accordance with FDA and GxP standards

Project ID: 3274

(Re-)validation and support with audit preparation

Research our IT projects in the field of medical technology

Digitalization in medicine - fundamental questions

How is digitalization changing medicine?

Digitalization is changing medicine by significantly improving the efficiency and quality of patient care through the networking of medical devices and integration into existing healthcare ecosystems.
Highly developed software enables more precise diagnosis, therapy planning and implementation, which has a significant positive impact on treatment outcomes.

How will digitalization influence medicine in the future?

In the future, digitalization will continue to impact medicine by driving innovative approaches and enabling the development and integration of new medical devices and technologies.
These developments will not only enrich diagnosis and treatment methods, but also improve interaction and data exchange between different healthcare providers.

What role does AI play in the digitalization of medicine?

Artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in the digitalization of medicine, as it expands the possibilities of diagnosis and treatment planning through its ability to process and analyse large amounts of data.
AI supports the development of more precise and effective treatment strategies, thereby helping to improve patient care.
In addition, the integration of AI into medical processes promotes the research and development of new medical products and treatments.

We support you with digitalization in medicine

Digitalization represents a key opportunity for the medical sector to drive innovation and process automation and improve the quality of patient care.
In particular through the use of artificial intelligence and big data analysis tools open up new ways of making diagnostic procedures more precise and therapies more effective.
Close cooperation with makes it possible to successfully integrate new technologies.
Companies that actively shape digitalization in medicine benefit from a clear competitive advantage.
Take the opportunity and join us on the path to a digital future.
We are at your disposal to fully exploit the potential of digitalization in medicine.

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Dr. Thomas Steinmann, ein Mann im Anzug

Dr. Thomas Steinmann

Sector Manager Life Science

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