Process management

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World and economy in the digitalization transition

In recent years, digital penetration has fundamentally and permanently changed the relationship between work, technology and society through developments in areas of process management. Digitalization is omnipresent: company infrastructures are exposed to digital change, which in turn has a significant impact on work processes. This requires rethinking, flexibility and future-oriented solutions. Flexible, transparent, automated and controllable processes are necessary for the successful implementation of new digital business models and strategies. These go hand in hand with modern process management using innovative solutions such as process mining software.

With PTA IT consulting at your side, you can keep your finger on the pulse: we advise you on all aspects of digitally supported process optimization.
Find out how your company can benefit from modern process management!

Process management: the key to future viability

“If you don’t master the processes in the company, you don’t master the entire company.” This quote from W. Edwards Deming makes it clear how important it is to understand the workflows and communication flows between internal and external process participants. Increasing your company’s efficiency, competitiveness and performance in the context of Industry 4.0 is an advantage of digital process development that you can fully exploit in your company through the use of intelligent process management.

The management concept of Business Process Management (BPM) – also known as Business Process Management (BPM) or Process Management – provides methods, process models and technologies to qualify business processes for the digital challenges in your company. Business process management provides the implementation concepts and methods to align the value-adding end2end processes in your company with customer needs.

You achieve greater transparency, a better understanding and increased acceptance in your organization for cross-divisional work processes. Achieve flexibility and agility in changing processes and active real-time-based process control through clever process management! Technologically, they are enabled to build an orchestrated component/module-based architecture of (micro) services and applications. The experienced experts at PTA IT Consulting will support you in this project, which is so important for the future success of your company.

Success with digital processes and process management

The success of a company’s digital transformation is usually determined by two things: Flexibility and agility. Digital transformation is diverse, multifaceted and can encompass a wide range of business areas. This requires new approaches and technologies. Regardless of whether you have developed initial abstract ideas for a transformation project within the company or have already defined specific requirements for it: Process modeling is the first important step. This gives you greater transparency, a better understanding of your processes and an unambiguous basis for internal and external communication.

Process optimization: Your benefits from our process model

Transparency of workflows and IT systems involved

Customer orientation through alignment with E2E processes

Promoting interdisciplinary thinking and action

Requirements-oriented implementation

Clear, centrally available process documentation

Digitize your processes - start your digital transformation now

Design processes

We provide you with the structure and process models to capture your requirements and model processes. Our foundations are an understanding of your processes, tried-and-tested methods and an agile approach to the use of appropriate process management.

Implement processes

We do not end with the process image. To bring your business processes to life, we provide you with targeted support during implementation with the help of automation, training, integration of system interfaces and process mining software as well as model-based testing.

Improve processes

We support the continuous improvement of your process management, apply process controlling and simulation and prove this with key figures. We use audits to show the maturity level of your business processes.

PTA accompanies your company on the path to digital transformation

Do you intend to do more than just document and improve individual processes? Go one step further and introduce holistic, company-wide process management in your company. Establish process-oriented corporate management. The focus should not be on the department-oriented organizational alignment of your company. Align your actions with customer needs, which you can define using your CRM system, for example. The design, responsibility and control of processes must be mapped across functional departmental boundaries.

A business process begins with the identification and description of customer requirements, represents a processing sequence and its interfaces to other processes and ends with the fulfillment of these customer requirements. This orientation and structure must be defined and optimized. Based on your requirements and needs, we determine which process-oriented measures are suitable for implementation in your company. We can use maturity models such as EDEN to determine the location and objectives.

Process management based on the process management life cycle

Business processes are subject to constant change. The process management lifecycle (BPM lifecycle) approach takes this into account. This life cycle provides methods, process models and solutions for the analysis, modelling, implementation, monitoring and improvement or optimization of processes. The aim is to achieve and maintain maximum possible quality, productivity, transparency and customer satisfaction on a permanent basis. In this context, you can uncover optimization potential with the help of in-depth process management.

Optimize business processes with Business Process Management

The management concept of business process management (BPM) – also known as business process management (BPM) or process management – offers methods, process models and technologies to make your company’s business processes fit for digital challenges.
Modern solutions such as process mining software play a key role in this.
BPM provides implementation concepts and methods to align value-adding end-to-end processes in your company with the needs of your customers.

PTA Keyvisual, Ecke in halbtransparentem Blau

Exploit automation potential in order processing through modern process management

The efficient processing of incoming orders is an elementary process for every commercial enterprise. Nevertheless, projects aimed at optimizing incoming orders are clearly not at the top of companies’ priority lists. The automation of order processing still has considerable potential in Germany. We came to this conclusion as part of a market analysis that we initiated together with Statista. Only nine percent of the companies surveyed process incoming orders automatically, while a further 56 percent process them at least partially automatically.

However, more than a third (35 percent) of companies still process incoming orders manually. Overall, the degree of automation in order processing is therefore low. Companies can eliminate these weak points of a manual or only partially software-supported process without great effort by means of end-to-end process automation and achieve an increase in efficiency. We will be happy to assist you with the implementation of comprehensive process management!

Statistik zu Auftragsverarbeitung

Analyse, optimize, digitalize: PTA as a competent partner in process management and process controlling

PTA bundles a wide range of process management knowledge and experience that has been built up in a large number of project implementations.
A competence team within PTA consolidates the acquired project knowledge and creates concrete process models/methods based on market developments for implementation at the customer.
The competence team not only develops methodical procedures for process modeling, process automation and process controlling, but is also the point of contact for the needs-oriented selection of process automation tools:

  • suitable modeling tools (Camunda, Signavio, Visual Paradigm, inubit BPM, Enterprise Architect, BonitaSoft, Bizagi, …),
  • of BPM process engines and
  • Notation languages (BPMN 2.0, DMN, CMMN, ARIS EPK, UML, ERM, …).

We can also provide you with advice and support when it comes to mapping process key performance indicators (KPIs) and implementing process management systems. A small selection of projects is referenced below. Our publicly accessible IT project database contains many other projects relating to:

Schema zu den Unterbereichen des Business-Process-Managements

Discover the many possibilities of IT-supported process management and the potential it offers:

Analysis and showcase for process controlling in customer acquisition

Implementation of process controlling along the customer acquisition business processes. Analysis, data mining and preparation of relevant process performance in terms of process output, times, quality and costs.

Development of a license accounting system for trademark rights

Development and implementation of a web application with database connection for the creation of audit-proof and GoBD-compliant license statements for trademark rights.

Preparation of specifications for restructuring the IT landscape

The customer uses IT systems from various manufacturers to support its business processes. These are mainly standard software products, but individual customized software components are also used.

Don't lose touch! Use process mining software for your digital process modeling and optimization

In the course of the rapidly advancing digital transformation, companies are well advised to optimize their business processes in order to fully exploit the potential of digitalization.
In order to recognize the difference between the ideal state of a process and its actual execution, the use of powerful process mining technologies is ideal.
Process mining software can be used to analyze extensive transaction data of individual processes.
Bottlenecks can also be identified and compliance violations uncovered.
This usually reveals a great deal of optimization potential. Such a review is particularly effective for older, established processes.

Experience has shown that wishes and reality are often far apart, especially in such processes. However, as with many things, the devil is in the detail, as we discovered together with Statista: The great potential of process mining has obviously not gotten around everywhere. In our survey, we found that only one in ten companies has sufficient budget for process mining. The majority of companies are at risk of being left behind when it comes to the all-important optimization of their digital business processes. Over 20 percent of companies even stated that they had no budget for this or were unable to provide any information.

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Our partnerships in the field of business process management

Organizational and IT projects are often complex and require collaboration with partners. That is why we work with selected service providers on certain projects. Furthermore, PTA can draw on the know-how of consultants and experts in a network of partner companies.

Weißes Logo der Celonis, ein Softwareunternehmen für Process Mining

As a software developer for process mining, Celonis provides companies with an objective, data-driven, real-time picture of how their processes are actually running. Data from so-called event logs serve as the basis for the digital mapping of business processes. Companies such as Siemens, Bayer and Vodafone rely on the expertise of market leader Celonis in the field of enterprise performance acceleration software.

Logo des Camunda BPM, eines Workflow-Management-Systems

Camunda develops software for workflow and decision automation. The company develops the popular open source platform Camunda, which supports the BPMN and DMN standards. Numerous companies worldwide use Camunda to automate their core business processes, including Allianz, AT&T, NASA, T-Mobile and Universal Music.

Signavio connects more than one million users in 1,000 companies worldwide and is a leading provider of a cloud-based process modeling and management system. The innovative Signavio Business Transformation Suite is known for its ease of use and fast return on investment.

Research our IT projects in the field of process management

After the reorganization of the IT department of a retail company, the basic IT processes and all individually developed applications are analyzed by independent consultants. The results are, on the one hand, …
Various operational processes are mapped and orchestrated using shell scripts. However, this approach does not allow to easily trace the process flows and thus makes it difficult to track errors. So far, …
In an existing logistics environment, frequently recurring processes are automated, which currently are handled as support cases via a ticket system, as they were not yet relevant in the original process design. …
Our client must transition to a new accounting standard for insurance companies by 2023. This is taking place while at the same time modernizing the historically grown IT landscape and organizational structure. …

FAQ: Process management

What are the advantages of modern process management for companies?

Modern process management offers numerous advantages for your company, including

  • Increased transparency: By visualizing processes, you gain a better understanding of your workflows and can identify weak points more quickly.
  • Improved efficiency: Automated and optimized processes reduce manual activities and thus increase productivity in your company.
  • Greater flexibility: Agile process management enables you to react quickly to changes in the market and customer requirements.
  • Optimized use of resources: Through the targeted use of resources, you improve cost efficiency and increase competitiveness, while at the same time identifying bottlenecks in good time.
  • Better customer orientation: Processes can be better aligned with the needs of your customers, resulting in higher customer satisfaction.

PTA IT consulting supports you in fully exploiting these advantages through the use of modern process management methods.
This gives you a competitive edge and allows you to efficiently exploit your potential.

What is process mining software and what advantages does it offer companies?

Process mining software is an innovative technology that makes it possible to analyse and visualize business processes in your company in detail.
By evaluating extensive transaction data, processes can be made transparent.
On the other hand, the evaluation serves to identify inefficient processes.
Process mining software helps you to uncover bottlenecks and compliance violations, optimize processes and increase process efficiency in your company.
You also gain valuable insights into your process landscape and can make data-based decisions – giving you the opportunity to continuously improve your business processes.

How does PTA IT consulting support companies in the area of process management?

PTA IT Consulting offers comprehensive support in the area of process management – from process analysis and modeling to the implementation of solutions and the continuous improvement of your business processes.
We help you to build a flexible and transparent process structure that meets the requirements of the digital age.
Our experts advise you on the selection and implementation of suitable software solutions and support you in establishing a process-oriented corporate culture.
To ensure that the new technologies function smoothly after implementation, we also offer long-term IT support to ensure that your process management software is always up to date.

Optimize business processes with PTA IT consulting

Uncover the full potential of your business processes with the support of PTA IT consulting.
Our experienced team will help you to optimize your processes through the use of tailor-made solutions – from the use of common standard software with individual components to the implementation of process mining software.

With a modern and appropriately digitalized process management strategy, you can significantly increase the transparency, efficiency and control of your business processes.
Let’s lay the foundations for your successful digital transformation together!

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Dominik Lenhard, ein Mann mit dunklen Haaren

Dominik Lenhard

Head of Business Analysis

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