Quality assurance

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QA for software - ensuring smooth processes

Comichafte Darstellung eines Kompass, der auf Qualität zeigt

A particular challenge in the digital transformation is to successfully deliver products at high speed and high quality at the same time.
To achieve this, holistic quality assurance (QA) must be implemented in the organization and in the projects and product developments – these aspects are implemented particularly efficiently with the help of QA software.

While the use of such specialized QA software as part of the introduction of a quality management system has become a matter of course in many companies in today’s age of digitalization, it must not be forgotten that QA is also essential for software solutions.

Introduction of a QM system for your software solutions - a decisive success factor

If you want to introduce systematic quality assurance (QA), whether for software or other products and services, you are reliant on the expertise of your employees.
Suitable and practiced methods and processes, including their continuous monitoring and improvement, are also of considerable importance.
Tool support for the various quality assurance measures is also particularly important here. Quality is more than just compliance with guidelines and standards – it plays a key role in the added value and success of your company. We are an interdisciplinary team that combines enthusiasm for quality assurance (QA) for software solutions and IT projects with many years of project experience in a wide range of industries.
Take advantage of the expertise of our experienced team to find pragmatic and target-oriented solutions for your individual challenges.
Together with PTA IT Consulting, you can optimize your processes thanks to professional QA for your software solutions and tailor-made concepts – for more process efficiency in your company.

Our expertise in quality assurance (QA) for software solutions

Software test

Increase the quality of your software systems and the satisfaction of your customers through efficient testing.

Test management

Software quality

Increase the sustainability and long-term profitability of your software.

Test automation

Your key to greater efficiency and consistently high software quality.

Tool selection and


Benefit from our wealth of experience in optimizing your processes, methods and products.

Testing as a Service (TaaS)

No more time-consuming adaptation of your testing processes thanks to our comprehensive testing services.

Documentation & Reviews


Optimize your methods on the basis of best practices and empirical values – we can provide you with both.

In addition to quality management services, our multifaceted range of services includes many other IT services – including support in these areas:

Get in touch now and take the first step towards the successful digitalization of your company!

QA for software: sub-areas of quality assurance

If you are in the process of introducing operational QM systems (also known as quality management systems or QMS) in your company, then the QA of the software solutions in use is also of great importance.
Below you can find out more about the areas of software quality assurance in which we at PTA IT-Beratung can support you with our expertise.

In our publicly accessible project database you will find a large number of projects, for example on the following topics:

Unlock the full potential of your company by optimizing your processes with our quality assurance (QA) for software solutions and other IT projects!

The various quality assurance activities must be carefully planned and managed. Clearly defined key figures form the basis for management. Suitable processes must be used for this, and the use of suitable tools is also necessary in larger projects. That is why we draw up a structured project plan at the start of the introduction of your QMS, so that the QA of your software solutions is both efficient and effective.

The key figures defined in the planning must be recorded and evaluated on an ongoing basis. In the event of deviations from the target status, we initiate appropriate measures if necessary and make corrections to the planning.

The processes used must be continuously “put to the test” and adapted if necessary. The aim of QA for software solutions and other IT projects is to continuously improve activities and processes.

Templates for important project artifacts and checklists (e.g. for reviews and test case creation and execution) are an important support for quality assurance measures. They consolidate empirical knowledge for the structured, efficient and reproducible implementation of these measures. Standards define “recognized rules of technology” and promote the uniformity of products and processes. Depending on the industry and product, different standards must be adhered to during project implementation.

Test automation helps to significantly improve the development and life cycle of a software solution. As release cycles are getting shorter and testing efforts are increasing, automated tests are often more efficient than manual tests in the context of QA for software – they run faster and more reliably, can be repeated at any time and bugs and anomalies can be identified promptly.

A variety of tools are used for the development, testing and operation of software in order to support and document the associated activities. The selection, introduction and support of a suitable tool is of great importance for the efficiency and quality of the development and testing process as well as the operation of software.

A variety of static procedures (e.g. reviews) and dynamic procedures (black box and white box) can be considered for this sub-area of QA for software solutions. These must be selected and used on a project-specific basis, which requires in-depth expertise in the respective processes.

Different roles with very differentiated qualification profiles are required for the various quality assurance measures and tasks. The respective employees must be trained and further educated through suitable measures. Training courses are of course an important option here; these should be supplemented by certifications (such as ISQTB).

Your benefit from our quality assurance measures - efficiency thanks to QA for software

Optimal use of your resources

Lower risk in your projects

Greater transparency in your work processes

Lower costs thanks to early fault detection

Use of best practices

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Selection of our QA and test tools

Our partnerships in the area of quality assurance

Suitable and integrative tools are required for holistic quality assurance in the organization, in the projects and in product development.

Inflectra offers excellent tools for test management through to comprehensive application lifecycle management (ALM). PTA has been a consulting partner for Inflectra products in German-speaking countries since 2009.

Research our IT projects in the area of quality assurance

Durch die Einführung eines Jira-Projektes wurde die komplette Transparenz aller Aktivitäten zu Betrieb, Wartung und Ablösung einer Hostanwendung geschaffen. Der Fachbereich wurde eingebunden und Scrum als Vorgehen initialisiert und erfolgreich eingeführt. …

FAQ: QA by and for software & introduction of a quality management system

What is the difference between QA software and QA for software?

QA software comprises software solutions and tools that have been specially developed to support quality management and assurance.
These help to monitor, test and improve the quality of processes and products.
Examples of QA software include tools for test automation, error management and continuous monitoring.
These solutions are used in various industries to ensure compliance with quality standards and the efficiency of processes.
QA software is therefore not only used in IT projects, but also in other areas such as logistics.
For example, logistics companies use QA software to optimize their transport and warehouse processes, increase efficiency and reduce costs.

Quality assurance in software development encompasses the entirety of measures and processes that are carried out to ensure the quality of a software solution.
QA for software includes various practices such as

  • manual and automated tests,
  • Code reviews,
  • continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) and
  • compliance with quality standards and best practices in software development.

It is a comprehensive approach to quality assurance that ensures that the developed software is error-free, secure and meets the requirements.

Both concepts are complementary and contribute to ensuring high quality standards in various areas.

What role does the introduction of a QM system play in quality assurance?

The introduction of a quality management system – also known as a QM system or QMS – is essential for systematic quality assurance.
During implementation, a QMS project plan is drawn up that defines all steps from planning to implementation.
This ensures that quality standards are maintained and continuously improved.
QA software supports this process by providing efficient tools for monitoring and documentation.
This enables companies to achieve a consistently high level of quality.

Why are quality assurance measures important for software?

Quality assurance measures ensure that the software solutions used in your company are reliable, secure and user-friendly.
This minimizes risks, improves product performance and makes a significant contribution to customer satisfaction and company success.
Automated tests and comprehensive analyses make it possible to significantly increase the efficiency and accuracy of your company’s processes.
With its expertise and many years of experience, PTA IT-Beratung supports companies in implementing customized solutions for the quality assurance of their software.

Maximize the quality of your IT with QA for software from PTA IT Consulting

With our expertise in the quality assurance (QA) of software solutions, we support you in implementing your software projects efficiently and successfully.
We offer you an interdisciplinary team that combines sound specialist knowledge with many years of practical IT project experience in a wide range of industries.
Take advantage of our tailor-made solutions for the introduction of a QM system to optimize your processes and ensure the highest quality standards.

Together, we maximize the quality and efficiency of your software projects – to increase the added value and success of your company.

Have we sparked your interest?

Frank Heise, ein Mann mit braunen Haaren

Frank Heise

Head of Quality Services

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Dokumentation & Reviews

Die systematische und jederzeit aktuelle Dokumentation stellt einen wichtigen Qualitätsaspekt Ihrer Software dar. Wir unterstützen Sie beim Entwurf von Templates und Vorgaben für deren korrekten Einsatz ebenso wie bei der Tool-Auswahl für Ihr Dokumentenmanagement.
Weiterhin helfen wir Ihnen bei der Einführung und Überwachung des Dokumenten-Workflows sowie bei der Etablierung einer Ablaufsteuerung für die Freigabe und Verteilung der einzelnen Dokumente, inklusive Ablage-Management.

Die praktische Umsetzung der so spezifizierten Anforderungen an die Dokumentation in allen Prozessphasen übernehmen wir gerne für Sie.

Als wesentliches Element für Ihre Qualitätssicherung sehen wir auch die Organisation und Durchführung von Reviews der entstandenen Dokumente als Aufgabe für uns.



  • Analyse des Projektumfelds
  • Erarbeitung eines Maßnahmenkatalogs

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Documentation & Reviews

Systematic and always up-to-date documentation represents an important quality aspect of your software. We support you in the design of templates and specifications for their correct use as well as in the selection of tools for your document management.
Furthermore, we help you with the introduction and monitoring of the document workflow as well as with the establishment of a flow control for the release and distribution of the individual documents, including filing management.

We will be happy to take over the practical implementation of the documentation requirements specified in this way in all process phases for you.

As an essential element for your quality assurance, we also see the organization and implementation of reviews of the resulting documents as a task for us.

Method optimization

Service content:

  • Analysis of the project environment
  • Development of a catalog of measures

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