SAP Business Consulting

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SAP consulting - firmly established for many years

We continually demonstrate our expertise in the context of professional SAP consulting. In our 50-year success story, we have accompanied and helped shape all the milestones in IT. This also applies to the software solutions from the Walldorf-based software company SAP. As an IT consulting company, we specialize in consulting and implementing strategies for companies and have unique IT expertise and in-depth process knowledge. With extensive experience in strategy consulting, business process consulting, SAP S/4HANA transformations and application services & support, we offer our clients a comprehensive range of services, including SAP consulting, to ensure they can realize their full potential and remain competitive.

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Through our comprehensive and wide-ranging SAP Business Consulting, including SAP S/4HANA consulting services, we ensure that SAP user companies can continuously improve their performance. This is a very important factor in remaining successful and competitive in the long term in a fast-moving economy. By using our extensive IT knowledge, our SAP consulting and our proven process expertise, our customers set the course for precisely this: With modern and powerful SAP landscapes, companies optimize their business processes end-to-end, thereby increasing their profitability and achieving their business goals.

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Strategy Consulting

Through a comprehensive analysis of your business processes, we use SAP consulting to identify those areas in your company that can be improved in order to increase efficiency and profitability.

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Business Process Consulting

As part of our business process consulting, we offer you optimized integration of business processes into your SAP solutions.

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SAP Transformation

Would you like to implement a future-proof SAP system landscape and unleash the full potential of transforming your existing ERP application to SAP S/4HANA or C/4HANA? Our experienced experts will support you.

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SAP Application Services & Support

With our expert support and high-performance services, we help you to continuously optimize your SAP solutions and keep them up to date at all times.

SAP Consulting - our core competencies

Our SAP consulting aims to support companies from all industries – always with the goal of
process automation
and optimization and to ensure competitiveness. Our IT consultants are happy to help companies future-proof their SAP landscape.

In the context of our SAP consulting, we concentrate on two applications in particular:


With our SAP consulting for S/4HANA, we support companies in mapping all ERP business processes. S/4HANA enables end-to-end process optimization and increased efficiency, which helps to maximize profitability and achieve business goals.


The SAP CX platform is at the heart of our customer-centric SAP consulting. It improves the customer journey, standardizes communication and enables consistent, cross-channel sales strategies. This leads to increased customer loyalty and optimized sales processes.

Our SAP consulting services are designed to deliver customized solutions that are precisely tailored to the needs of your company. Whether process optimization or
software implementation
– our experts are at your side with help and advice.

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News and downloads about SAP - Business Consulting at the pulse of time

As an SAP consulting company, we inform you about news on current topics and developments in the SAP world. We also provide you with various downloads. Read comprehensive white papers written by our industry experts to get a comprehensive overview of a specific SAP module, a deeper insight into best practices for implementing and customizing SAP solutions, or strategic insights into the future direction of SAP technology.

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Research our IT projects in the area of SAP Business Consulting

Questions about SAP Consulting

What advantages does SAP consulting offer companies?

SAP consulting offers companies numerous benefits, including the optimization and automation of business processes, leading to greater efficiency and profitability. Thanks to their in-depth expertise in SAP technologies, consultants can develop individual solutions that are precisely tailored to the company’s needs. This enables seamless integration and updating of SAP systems, which ensures competitiveness in a dynamic market environment. SAP consulting also supports the implementation of future-proof SAP landscapes that ensure stable and scalable IT infrastructures in the long term. All in all, SAP consulting helps to achieve business goals faster, more sustainably and more effectively.

Which industries benefit most from SAP Consulting?

Industries such as manufacturing, retail, logistics and financial services benefit particularly from SAP consulting. In the manufacturing industry, SAP consulting enables the optimization of production processes and supply chain management. In retail, it supports the integration and management of complex sales processes and customer relationships via the SAP CX platform. The logistics sector benefits from improved warehouse management and transportation solutions. Financial service providers can use SAP Consulting to automate their financial processes and efficiently fulfill regulatory requirements. Overall, SAP consulting offers solutions that address the specific requirements and challenges of each industry and strengthen their competitiveness.

How can an SAP consulting company contribute to the digital transformation?

SAP consulting plays a crucial role in digital transformation by helping companies modernize their IT landscape and migrate to future-proof technologies such as SAP S/4HANA. Optimizing and automating business processes increases efficiency and creates the basis for innovative business models. SAP consultants support the implementation of new digital solutions that enable seamless integration and interoperability with existing systems. This leads to improved data analysis and decision-making in real time. Ultimately, SAP consulting helps to improve competitiveness and increase the company’s flexibility in a rapidly changing digital environment.

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Our services as an SAP consulting company - take advantage of the benefits

Transparent SAP consulting is part of our comprehensive
IT services
. The focus here is on implementing future-proof solutions. Our expertise in
software development
and evaluation enables us to develop customized strategies that meet the specific requirements of our customers. With our in-depth SAP IT consulting, we help companies to make their business processes more efficient and remain competitive. You can rely on our many years of experience and in-depth knowledge in the field of SAP consulting to help you achieve your business goals.

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Unsere SAP-Experten verfügen über ein umfangreiches Wissen zur Funktionsweise von SAP-Systemen und verstehen, welche Prozesse eine moderne SAP-Suite abdeckt. Auf diese Weise können wir unseren Kunden SAP-Lösungen anbieten, die exakt auf ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen zugeschnitten sind.

Die Grundlage einer erfolgreichen SAP-Implementierung oder SAP-Transformation bildet immer unsere strategische Beratung.

Business Process Consulting

Ein weiterer, ganz entscheidender Baustein, den wir in unsere SAP-Beratung integrieren ist unser Business Process Consulting. SAP-Anwenderunternehmen profitieren davon, dass wir ihnen damit eine optimierte Integration von Geschäftsprozessen in ihre SAP-Lösungen bieten – eine Basis, auf der Unternehmen ihre Geschäftsprozesse gezielt optimieren und rationalisieren können.

SAP Application Services & Support

Abgerundet wird unsere breitgefächerte SAP-Expertise durch unsere erprobten Application Services & Support. Mit diesem unterstützen wir unsere Kunden dabei, ihre SAP-Lösungen kontinuierlich zu optimieren und immer auf dem neuesten Stand zu halten. Mit unserem fachkundigen Support und leistungsfähigen Services können sich Unternehmen voll und ganz auf ihr Kerngeschäft konzentrieren und gleichzeitig sicherstellen, dass ihre SAP-Lösungen stets den sich schnell wandelnden Marktanforderungen gerecht werden und neue Prozessabläufe zuverlässig abbilden.

Strategy Consulting

Our SAP experts have extensive knowledge of how SAP systems work and understand which processes a modern SAP suite covers. In this way, we can offer our customers SAP solutions that are precisely tailored to their individual needs and requirements.

The foundation of a successful SAP implementation or SAP transformation is always our strategic consulting.

Business Process Consulting

Another crucial component that we integrate into our SAP consulting is our Business Process Consulting. SAP user companies benefit from the fact that we thus offer them optimized integration of business processes in their SAP solutions – a basis on which companies can optimize and streamline their business processes in a targeted manner.

SAP Application Services & Support

Our broad SAP expertise is rounded off by our proven Application Services & Support. With this, we support our customers in continuously optimizing their SAP solutions and always keeping them up to date. With our expert support and high-performance services, companies can concentrate fully on their core business while ensuring that their SAP solutions always meet rapidly changing market requirements and reliably map new process flows.

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