Software development

Software development - we create customized solutions

The business world is more digital than ever and the networking of globally active companies is becoming increasingly complex. This dynamic requires individualizedsoftware development that is tailored to the specific requirements of each company. IT applications have been supporting processes in companies of all sizes and in all sectors for decades. The digital transformation is changing the economic environment to an unprecedented extent. This change presents numerous challenges, but also opportunities: as digitalization progresses, not only can many processes be made more efficient, but new ways of creating value in companies can also be effectively achieved.

Adapted software development and modern IT infrastructures are essential for companies to achieve these goals. Carefully tailored IT forms the solid basis for modern digital business models, for the integration of individual value-adding components into holistic services and for the future-proof design of internal company processes.

As an IT service provider, we provide our customers with comprehensive support so that they can successfully master the entire spectrum of their digital design – through strategic elegance, methodical aplomb and, last but not least, through our many years of technological expertise in software development. Our IT software developers master the entire range of software solutions, from creation and design to provision and support – across all common development platforms.

We draw on over 50 years of expertise in IT software development

We have been supporting our customers in software development for over 50 years – across various industries and sizes. We always take the individual requirements of each customer into account. Our IT experts have an intensive and in-depth knowledge of the respective business processes and are therefore able to map and support business-critical processes with customized IT applications. In addition, we advise companies on the design of their digitalization strategies and jointly implement them operationally.

Our software engineers develop IT solutions in all common programming languages. Whether your programming language of choice is Java, Kotlin, .NET / C#, Go, Python or JavaScript – our development team is at home in all of these worlds. We also have proven expertise in COBOL, a programming language that is still used intensively in some industries, as software programs developed in COBOL are very stable. Our IT experts are dedicated to developing both classic desktop applications and multi-layered applications with web and app front-ends. In doing so, we fulfill a wide range of requirements: For your We build technologically sound solutions for business intelligence as well as data science and large-scale language models to integrate artificial intelligence into business applications.

Our software development is based on a tried-and-tested modular methodology

Our expertise in the various aspects of software development is just as comprehensive. We master the spectrum of classic and agile process models. We also feel at home in our customers’ customized setups. Our methodical toolbox includes the modeling and development tools appropriate to the respective framework conditions, is supplemented by practically proven UI & UX know-how for effectively usable application systems and also includes the complete range of available database systems, operating systems and middleware products.

We use all these building blocks throughout the entire life cycle of IT applications. We support companies from initial requirements workshops, through development and operation, including maintenance, to the transition to successor systems. Regardless of whether applications are operated on-premise, as monoliths, as microservices in the cloud, on VMs or in containers in a Kubernetes cluster: From a broad spectrum of projects, our developers also bring an intensive wealth of experience to your development project.

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Our software development is based on fixed guidelines and methods

If our development team works for you and programs a tailor-made IT solution after individual consultation with you, we consistently follow tried and tested guidelines and the associated methodological principles that we have developed and continuously refined for over 50 years in more than 4432 IT projects. These include:

The benefits for you as a customer are always at the center of everything we do. Every single project is about creating added value for you. In the long-term partnerships that we maintain with our customers, we strive to support you so effectively that you will continue to be successful in the market in the future. The linchpin of our project work is therefore always your objective as the customer. Our aim is to strengthen you as a partner in the project.

In long-term customer relationships, we strive to achieve more than just successful project implementation. In close cooperation with you, we also maintain our partnership beyond the individual project. If possible and sensible, we also look for a suitable location in close proximity. Short distances create scope for flexible cooperation and enable us to provide you with targeted support even after the end of the project.

Our key to success is an understanding of technical interrelationships. In this context, it goes without saying that we master all the technologies required for successful implementation. In our customer projects, we specifically deploy IT and industry experts who have the necessary process know-how to transform your requirements into high-performance IT solutions. Our developers and software engineers deepen their knowledge through regular training courses and certifications and continuously expand this knowledge in long-term customer relationships.

We have documented and prepared our experience from decades of practice in a project manual. Based on this wealth of experience, we always adapt our approach to the respective project situation. The diversity of documented experience enables us to take a structured approach – both in traditionally organized projects and in an agile environment. Our use of proven methods and creativity appropriate to the project in question results in a combination that leads to project success.

How you can benefit from our expertise in software development

The effects of the digital transformation are manifold: new markets and business models are emerging at a rapid pace, work is becoming increasingly technologized and the way we work together is undergoing profound change. IT works in all aspects to shape entire processes or individual components in a value-adding way.

Based on our more than 50-year history combined with a constant eye on current developments and sustainable technologies, we support you in navigating safely through the digital landscape and shaping the associated change with the necessary dynamism. IT applications thus become a lever that strengthens your business models. The winners are always our customers, whom we support strategically, methodically and technologically.

Have we sparked your interest?

Dr. Roland Jesse

Head of Product Development NEXOVI

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