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Digitalization in the healthcare sector - harnessing the potential

Digitalization in the healthcare sector will improve patient care while reducing costs and error rates. In future, interdisciplinary and cross-topic communication between service providers, such as doctors, hospitals, but also, for example, diagnostic laboratories and cost bearers such as private and statutory health insurance companies, will be based on the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) largely take place digitally. Large parts of the digital infrastructure, i.e. medical information systems as well as laboratory information systems, medical devices, software-based medical products and communication systems, e.g. for billing, must ensure secure and cross-system networking.

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The key to this interoperability is the use of established communication standards, such as HL7 and IHE profiles and interfaces. Developing and implementing this complex system requires a broad range of technical expertise on the interaction in the healthcare sector and detailed IT know-how. We have both and can support you with your projects relating to digitalization in the healthcare sector.

Efficiency in the healthcare sector: Potential for digitization in laboratories still high

The degree of digitalization, automation and networking in laboratories is far from exhausted and offers plenty of potential for optimization. We conducted a market analysis with Statista and visualized this in the graphic. It is worth noting that employees and managers spend around 25 percent of their daily work on non-value-adding activities. Valuable time that they could invest in their core tasks with the support of digital tools.

These helpers provide relief in the form of integrated and automated digital workflows, for example in warehouse management, equipment operation and maintenance, but also in the documentation and maintenance of laboratory safety as well as training and familiarization with new subject areas. If you want to find out more about how you can simplify work in your laboratories using intelligent digital solutions as part of the digitalization of healthcare through process automation and optimization, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are very familiar with the processes and legal regulations in laboratories and the life science sector.

Download our white paper "Digitalization in testing laboratories"

Testing laboratories must be at the forefront of innovation and digital transformation processes in order to continuously increase their effectiveness, efficiency and quality. After all, their customers expect fast and reliable results. Modern and intelligent IT solutions can provide valuable services to meet these requirements. But how far has digitalization in laboratories progressed and where is there still a need for action? Together with market researchers from Statista, we conducted a survey at the beginning of 2024 and explained the results in a detailed white paper. To this end, we conducted quantitative telephone interviews with a total of 50 employees in research laboratories. The laboratories in which the interviewees work cover four areas: Industrial Products, Consumer Protection and Food, Environment and Health and Forensics.

Digitalization in the healthcare sector - our expertise

Ein Stethoskop neben einem Tablet mit Statistiken

In the healthcare sector, digitalization offers the opportunity to simplify processes in such a way that they become more transparent and secure for everyone involved. Patients move from being perceived as “objects” to being the focus of decisions and self-determined participants in the medical decision-making process. Communication with doctors is more direct and the exchange of data is easier. Dependencies are reduced through simple and uncomplicated patient access to their data, which is stored in an electronic patient file (ePA) are managed. By digitizing the patient file, patients can share their data with all those involved in the treatment process in a targeted and simple manner. For payers such as health insurance companies, the process costs per patient fall when large parts of the previously paper-based processes become digital, treatments become more specific and multiple treatments – due to ignorance or lack of access to patient data that has already been collected – are eliminated. Service providers such as doctors, clinics, care institutions or healthcare professionals can easily access historical patient data with considerably less administrative effort, even if they have not collected it themselves, and can exchange information with colleagues much more easily. These are examples of how digitalization in the healthcare sector is making treatment more targeted and effective .

Ultimately, such a digital infrastructure is only possible if it is based on a secure system that is protected against manipulation and meets the needs of users in a targeted manner. The key to this lies in the framework established by IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise). This defines basic security and access mechanisms for the data, and clear processes are specified for every data exchange. This describes target definitions, processes through to exchange formats and communication protocols between systems. Continuous monitoring and globally standardized methods for checking the compliance of all systems involved in the infrastructure (Connectathon) ensure that the exchange of data across system boundaries actually works. When implementing such an infrastructure, it is essential to describe exactly which activities are to be digitalized and with which processes and workflows based on clear target definitions. On this basis, an experienced partner like PTA helps you to implement the right systems and interfaces professionally and to achieve success in the process of digitalization in the healthcare sector in a short space of time.

Digitalization projects: solutions for the healthcare sector

Project ID: 4728

Paperless doctor-health insurance communication

Project ID: 2944

Support for GP-centered care

Project ID: 4763

Development of a specification catalog for physician information systems

Project ID: 4921

Interface between an op support system and an instrument management system

PTA Keyvisual, Ecke in halbtransparentem Blau

An important component of digitalization: medical information systems in the healthcare sector

In hospitals, doctors’ surgeries and other healthcare providers, medical information systems (e.g. clinic and doctor information systems) form the backbone of operational processes. Due to the increasing networking of all service providers, the unrestricted interoperability of these systems is essential. Expansion of networking and interoperability require innovative solutions. Only in this way can they be constantly and flexibly adapted to the changing needs of service providers and cost bearers as a result of digitalization in the healthcare sector.

The combination of business management expertise and IT know-how enables PTA to advise you on networking your system landscape. Our expertise in the integration of laboratory IT solutions enables you to optimize your workflows and IT processes. PTA also supports you in the development and implementation of your laboratory information and management systems (LIMS), laboratory information systems and laboratory middleware products throughout the entire product life cycle.

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Our expertise in the field of digitalization in the healthcare sector ranges from product definition and specification to design, development, verification and validation through to the roll-out of a software product. We support our customers in achieving their project goals on time. We offer simple consulting services as well as ISO 13485/62304-compliant standardized product developments and complete application lifecycle management (ALM). Our experts also guarantee mastery of the necessary standards such as LOINC, ICD-10 or ICD-11, OPS codes and XML or file-based exchange formats thanks to their broad experience not only in IT, but also in the various life sciences.

Laboratory information systems and digitalization: projects in the healthcare sector

Project ID: 3322

Laboratory simulation for performance analysis

Project ID: 3386

Sample processing control in the laboratory information system

Project ID: 4392

High availability for laboratory information systems

Project ID: 2870

New development of the user interface of a laboratory "middleware" solution

Project ID: 2771

Further development/maintenance LIS Central Lab

Point-of-care testing - highly relevant in the course of digitalization in the healthcare sector

Krankenhauskraft mit Tablet und Stethoskop

Digitalization in the healthcare sector has mademobile diagnostic devices indispensable. They are used for quick and regular checks of relevant physiological parameters directly at the patient’s bedside (near-patient testing) or on the ward or in the doctor’s surgery (point-of-care testing (POCT)). Apps on cell phones in hospital wards, doctors’ surgeries and also in patients’ homes – as “home care” products for patient self-measurement – are spreading at lightning speed and improving monitoring, diagnosis and even compliance. Their integration into the numerous existing IT infrastructures of medical information systems (hospital, laboratory, doctor and pharmacist information systems) or electronic patient records is complex. The PTA supports its customers in this.

Weißes Quadrat mit umrandeten Seiten rechts oben

Test optimization through digitalization in healthcare: successful projects

Project ID: 2903

Device driver development for a "Hospital Database Management System"

Project ID: 2904

Development of a point of care device driver for a "Hospital Database Management System"

Project ID: 3417

Agile software development of a point-of-care testing (PoCT) solution

Digital healthcare: Migration from ICD

The new ICD-11 coding, which came into force on January 1, 2022, has replaced the ICD-10 coding prescribed by SGB V. With the help of the ICD classification, diseases can be clearly identified during data transmission and processing. While the terms seasonal flu, viral flu or influenza are used in everyday life, what is meant can be precisely defined with the code J11.8 or, in the new version of the ICD classification, with the code 1E32.

The ICD-11 standard brought changes in content compared to its predecessor. For example, medical conditions such as gambling addiction have been included in the catalog for the first time. For the many IT systems that process data from the healthcare sector, however, this change in the actual coding resulted in a large number of necessary adjustments. This began with checking whether an entered code is correct and actually exists, continued with the so-called mapping from one coding to the next and ended with the conversion of input interfaces to capture code extensions available in ICD-11 that do not exist in ICD-10.

Krankenhauskraft in einem Patientengespräch

Research our IT projects in the field of digitalization in the healthcare sector

New evaluations of the patient data from an application database are created in MS Excel. The goal is to combine the attributes of the patients with specific laboratory data and thereby to …
Together with the specialist departments, new AI solutions are being developed to further improve the health insurance company's core business and the care of its policyholders using data-driven insights. …
After leaving school, young people start their careers. A public health insurance company uses an avatar-based consultation process to provide these people with information for their career start. Depending on whether the …
The project aims to redevelop an existing application for receiving and displaying data and making it available for publication. The new development is intended to achieve modern user guidance and accessibility and …

Important questions about digitalization in the healthcare sector

What challenges does digitalization bring to the healthcare sector?

Digitalization in the healthcare sector poses challenges such as data protection concerns, security gaps and the need for comprehensive training for employees to be able to handle new digital tools and processes. In addition, the integration of innovative technologies requires investments and the adaptation of existing work processes. It is therefore all the more important to have an experienced partner like the PTA at your side.

How is digitalization in the healthcare sector influencing collaboration and communication between companies and healthcare providers?

Digitization in the healthcare sector promotes collaboration and communication because it simplifies the exchange of data and information through electronic patient records and integrated information systems. This networking enables more efficient patient care, improves decision-making and supports targeted therapy planning, which leads to a higher overall quality of treatment.

What impact does digitalization in the healthcare sector have on compliance and regulation?

Digitalization in healthcare is influencing compliance and regulation by highlighting the need for strict data integrity and security. New digital technologies require compliance with data protection laws and regulatory standards, which requires continuous monitoring and adaptation of compliance strategies. The introduction of global communication standards is an example of digital requirements that companies in the healthcare sector must fulfill in order to receive regulatory approval.

You too can benefit from digitalization in the healthcare sector

Digitalization in the healthcare sector represents a turning point that affects administration, research, development, communication and treatment measures in equal measure. The integration of artificial intelligence and advanced software development play a central role in this. We are happy to support you in developing and implementing effective concepts for digitalization in the healthcare sector.

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Dr. Thomas Steinmann, ein Mann im Anzug

Dr. Thomas Steinmann

Head of Life Science

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