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Advanced development of software for KWKG billing support

Project duration: 1 year

Brief description

The application for processing subsidy payments is being continuously developed in order to keep pace with changes in business and technical requirements. PTA has defined the technological implementation and designed the software architecture. Automated tests are carried out on the front and back end for quality assurance purposes, including the use of a Sonarqube and Cypress.


Technologically, the solution is based on a back-end microservice architecture with a Microsoft SQL database with interfaces to various neighbouring systems and a micro front-end/WebApps architecture (with Angular, HTML5, etc.).

Subject description

The Combined Heat and Power Act requires the calculation and settlement of subsidy amounts, compensation payments, levies and equalisation payments between various players in the energy market (distribution system operators (DSOs), transmission system operators and distribution system customers). The underlying process essentially consists of these steps: reporting of forecast and actual values during the year, preparation of (monthly) budget billing, reporting of actual values after the annual financial statements and preparation of an annual peak billing. The specifics of the respective context must be taken into account in detail (e.g. messages from DSOs must be transferred from a portal and the calculation of costs in the context of distribution network customers is carried out in a pre-system). It may be necessary to make corrections during the process, which can lead to cancellations. It is therefore important that the system transparently displays the status of a billing and enables a billing to be up

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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