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Automated test support for a laboratory information system

Project duration: 1 year, 1 month

Brief description

Implementation of a framework for creating and performing automated regression tests for testing interfaces and the business logic of a laboratory information system.


When creating the test framework, it was divided into two sub-areas: Organization and setup, as well as implementation of regression tests. For the organization and setup of regression tests, the Microsoft unit testing framework was selected. In the first step, the individual software is preconfigured automatically per test scenario and the actual tests, consisting of specifically combined and randomly filled XML test messages, are created. In the second step (implementation of the tests), a separate framework is implemented in PL/SQL. The previously-configured XML test message is transferred to the different interfaces for the software and their correct processing is tested via a database or XML comparison.

Subject description

The objective of automated tests is to check the management, further processing and receipt of data in a laboratory information system. On the one hand, this refers to the creation and editing of patient and visit data, on the other hand, to order management for tests (e.g. for a blood count) and processing of test results.


Project period01.02.2012 - 28.02.2013

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Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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