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BA Sub-project CSRD

Project duration: 6 months

Brief description

In the IT sub-project (implementation of the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), it is to record the existing data flows, architectures and IT systems in the business analysis for all reporting requirements, as well as document missing systems (manual processes) and media discontinuities, and develop integration solutions together with the IT architects.


Tasks: Acceptance of technical requirements documents for sufficient quality to create IT requirements suitable for implementation. Derivation and creation of IT requirements on the basis of existing and approved business requirements. Coordination of IT requirements with stakeholders from the central and decentralized departments and companies. Support in the creation of concept papers and documentation for architecture templates, as-is process mapping, solution and target architecture scenarios. (For all necessary profiles per individual company).

Subject description

It must be ensured that the required sustainability report is delivered in the appropriate form in future. For this purpose, Excel files are developed which are then sent to the respective internal contacts to be filled with basic data. In an intermediate step, this requested data is then automatically processed and finalized.


Project period18.03.2024 - 30.09.2024

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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