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Business analysis for an interface (web service) between inventory data portal & online applications

Brief description

Further development and support of a SOAP-based web service via which data on insurance contracts can be delivered to various internal and international consumers and sent back to the CRM system. The project includes analysing the technical requirements, specifying user stories, writing the implementation specifications, technical modelling of the data model (WSDL) and support with implementation and testing. The component plays a central role in the customer's digitalisation strategy. This is because it makes it possible to make business processes available to the consumer as a 'self-service' and to process them in the dark, i.e. without manual intervention.


Customer-driven API is the motto of application development. Targeted analysis and modelling of the interface should provide the user with needs-oriented interfaces. The project also provides support with requirements for the CRM system and the integration of the API by the consumer.

Subject description

Customer focus and digitalisation are key elements of the customer's strategic orientation. The WebService makes it possible for the end user to make insurance-related contract changes and provide contract information, thus relieving the burden on internal case processing and saving money. It is an essential function for the operation of various online portals with a customer focus and offers the opportunity to realise further efficiencies.

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