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Customer Administration Tool (CAT)

Project duration: 1 year, 11 months

Brief description

The aim of the project is the further development and maintenance of a cloud-native call center application that is used in an international environment. The PTA provides support in the areas of incident analysis and resolution and the new development or adaptation of functions in both programming and process modeling with BPMN2.0.


The call center application is used to control activities and options offered to insurance brokers and agents. Both the visibility of the data and the scope of functions are regulated based on centrally assigned, fine-grained authorizations, thus offering a universal setup for customer and contract management. In addition to the Angular-based frontend, a complex Java-based backend is used, which interacts with various systems, such as a BPM engine. The processes modeled and managed there process and generate data, which is further used by the application and/or passed on to third-party systems. The software that is already in use is further developed and tested by PTA based on new requirements from the field.

Subject description

The primary goal of the project was to further develop a cloud-native call center application that allows users to flexibly and efficiently manage and approve contracts and permissions for different customers. The integration of role-based administration and automated workflows ensured convenient management of customer data and authorization assignments.


Project period01.11.2022 - 30.09.2024

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