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Electronic signature at the POS using QES

Project duration: 2 years

Brief description

In this solution, an eIdas QES (Qualified Electronic Signature) is used as a digital signature procedure for loan and leasing contracts for vehicles in the presence of the customer at the car dealership and is therefore a further step in the networking and digitalization of company processes. PTA's task extended to the organization, project and test management and technical design planning and thus the integration into existing banking systems, at the end of which document and process archiving that can be used in court and the reliable provision of non-functional systems must be in place.


The system structure was designed in such a way that end-to-end non-manual-work processing was prepared with maximum document flexibility and an intuitive customer frontend. The information needs of the customer, the car dealership employee and the bank must be satisfied and mapped in a usable manner. In addition to creating this design and integration into internal group systems and service providers, the entire technical project management up to test management and introduction (change management) was taken over by the PTA. This includes close, daily status meetings with developers and service providers about project progress as well as the steering committee status updates.

Subject description

QES is part of the eIdas regulation and, alongside SES and AES, represents the most trustworthy signature process with the highest regulatory requirements for identity, authentication, legitimation and authenticity of proof of the person concluding the contract. In return, the legal consequence is a reversal of the burden of proof, which makes challenging contracts concluded on this basis more complex. The integration was mapped via Quicksign as Registration Authority and Docusign as Certification Authority. The car dealership was obliged to act as a Registration & Certification Officer via an acceptable transfer of duties via the bank. Archiving service providers were CDC Arkhineo and internal archive systems


Project period01.01.2020 - 31.12.2021

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