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Establishing SpiraPlan as the central requirement and test management tool and report generation

Brief description

In this project, SpiraPlan is established as the central requirement and test management tool for the customer. PTA assists in the creation of instructional documents for essential processes, e.g. the updating the productive environment to a new software version, develops requested reports and consults in the migration of projects from other systems to SpiraPlan.


To this end, instructional documents (PDFs, Powerpoint-Files, etc.) are created for the customers internal use in concert with the customers project manager. Additionally, reports are created which display the data contained in SpiraPlan. These reports are created using the reporting functionality in SpiraPlan using (modified) standard sections, using XSLT, or custom sections, using SQL and XML. Furthermore, PTA advises the customer in the migration of projects from other systems, e.g. Jira, to SpiraPlan and supports the customer in establishing meaningful data structures. A custom webservice is developed to enable the generation of Spira-external reports.

Subject description

SpiraPlan can provide tools for requirement, test and incident management, task creation and tracking in one tool. Additionally, SpiraPlan offers the possibility to create reports to work up and display the data found in the system for the customers purpose. Furthermore SpiraPlan enables the traceability of tasks, incidents, test results and artefact changes via a global change history, which can be persisted. Instructional documents are created for internal use for the customer to ensure a standardized process of important processes and are created and, if necessary (process changes, etc.), changed in consultation with the customers project manager. Reporting in SpiraPlan is done using standard sections, which use XSLT and can be adapted. Alternatively, custom sections using SQL querys of a documented data structure and XML used for displaying the data.


Project start01.11.2024

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