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Feasibility study 'Online vision training'

Project duration: 3 months

Brief description

The customer performs vision training among other things for his patients. This involves two steps: an eye analysis and eye training adapted specifically to the results of the analysis. It should be possible for patients to perform these measures online from home rather than in the optician's practice. PTA is assessing the feasibility of this objective.


PTA takes part in vision training for patients and analyses the eye analysis and eye training phases. From this analysis, PTA derives technical and functional requirements concerning video conferences, vision training, and administration. These requirements are implemented as prototypes and their qualitative suitability is assessed. Various commercially available video conference tools are examined, and the vision training prototypes are mapped with Microsoft Silverlight.

Subject description

Eye analysis: It is primarily the mobility of the eye which is examined. For this, the patient must follow some exercise instructions. The tasks for a patient could result from material to be viewed or other instructions. Eye training: Eye training takes place over three-quarters of a year and consists of 10 units, each involving one exercise from the following 4 categories: eye movements (oculomotor system), eye accommodation, eye vergence, eye perception.


Project period20.12.2010 - 28.03.2011

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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