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Implementation ELSTER for advance sales tax report

Project duration: 2 months

Brief description

Electronic submission of the advance sales tax report has been a legal requirement from 2005 onwards. This requirement is implemented with the company together with SAP R/3.


The basis is an SAP R/3 system with Release 4.7 (Enterprise). Because the previous declaration was created manually, the tax ID must be assigned to the corresponding data. After an analysis of the manual advance sales tax report compared to the data generated in SAP, all possible tax IDs can be taken from the form valid in 2005. Then the settings for communication with the authorities must be made in SAP and a test file created. This test file is transferred to the financial authority to be verified as error free.

Subject description

ELSTER (electronic tax declaration) is a project of the German tax office that aims to enable secure electronic transfer of tax data. ELSTER allows all employees, companies and employers to transmit different tax declarations to the tax authorities electronically via the Internet. Source:


Project period01.04.2005 - 31.05.2005

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