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Interactive avatar-based video consulting assistant for job starters

Project duration: 2 months

Brief description

After leaving school, young people start their careers. A public health insurance company uses an avatar-based consultation process to provide these people with information for their career start. Depending on whether the decision has already been made in favour of a specific job selection or whether the career path is still open, the avatar provides suitable information. The consultation service also offers to interactively record the information for a membership application, which is sent to the health insurance company for further processing.


The consulting assistant is implemented as an Angular application connected to a .Net backend. The application allows to create customizable consulting processes. As part of the project PTA is responsible for project management and consulting for building the use case. Furthermore, PTA supports the conception of a script and is responsible for the implementation of the requirements. For the runtime of the use case, PTA ensures the SaaS operations. For this, containerized application components are deployed to a Kubernetes cluster. This use case includes generation of pre-filled customer sign-up forms, PGP encryption of those and a handover for further processing by the customer. This process is supported by a combination of database focused configuration along with Kubernetes specifc config settings.

Subject description

The interactive digital video counselling assistant is designed in such a way that the health insurance company can provide its prospective customers with targeted advice at any time. The assistant is available at any time for people who are finishing their school education and starting their careers. In an interactive consultation process, tips are given on job interviews and assessment centres, as well as suggestions for an orientation year. If suitable, the assistant will interactively collect and compile information for a membership application. A separate portal application allows business users access to anonymous usage data that allows to compare usages of individual parts compared to the overall use case. To support further analysis, this analytics data is also available for download as Excel export.


Project period01.02.2024 - 02.04.2024

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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