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Introduction and implementation of a company-wide process transformation

Brief description

The aim of the project is to implement a comprehensive process management system for an internationally active customer in the vehicle handling sector. The aim is to identify and realise potential for process optimisation. The measures include the development of concepts for process analysis and requirements management, the creation of a process map and the modelling of processes. In addition, employees are supported through coaching, workshops are moderated and a change management approach is introduced in order to identify and realise continuous improvement potential.


At the start of the project, a detailed process map is created that depicts all of the customer's relevant business processes. The aim is to obtain a clear overview of the existing processes, which serves as the basis for further process mapping and analysis. The business processes are documented using BPMN 2.0 notation to ensure a transparent and standardised representation, which facilitates communication and understanding of the processes for all parties involved. On this basis, specific process concepts are introduced to enable structured and effective process mapping. A central goal of the project is the moderation of process analysis workshops. These serve to actively involve employees in the change process, increase their acceptance of the new processes and at the same time collect valuable feedback for the optimisation of the processes.

Subject description

The essential foundations are laid for successful process restructuring at the customer. A key added value of the project lies in the introduction of structured process management. This enables targeted optimisation of inefficient processes, which not only increases efficiency, but also improves the quality and flexibility of the processes. At the same time, procedures and methods are developed that enable the customer not only to implement the process restructuring in the short term, but also to adapt it to future requirements in the long term and to continuously improve it.

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