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Migration of transaction data (contract data)

Brief description

PTA supports the data and system migration process by developing the migration tool, helping with testing and suggesting adjustments. They also collect questions and provide information on the use of the old system.


Data is currently stored and maintained using Oracle, Gupta modules and .NET/C# applications. In the course of the changeover, a switch will be made to modern technologies such as MongoDB, Kotlin, Go and Vue.js in order to establish a future-proof architecture.

Subject description

PTA creates evaluations of the existing data in order to set up rules, identify exceptions and find maintenance errors. They also provide important information on the procedure in the old system in order to optimally support the migration.


Project start01.05.2024

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Marcus Rödiger, ein Mann mit braunen Haaren und Brille

Marcus Rödiger

Head of Consumer Goods & Retail

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