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.NET 8 conversion

Project duration: 1 month

Brief description

As part of the end of support from Microsoft for .NET 6, all productive applications that are still on .NET 6 will be converted to the LTS version (Long Term Support) .NET 8. This affects over 50 IT elements consisting of various web applications, services and interfaces, as well as the custom components used in the respective applications in the form of NuGet packages. The affected systems will be modernized in accordance with .NET 8 conventions and adapted to the new technological requirements. PTA is responsible for planning and implementing the necessary application adaptations. In addition, organizational and technical coordination, as well as the planning and implementation of the go-live, are among the tasks of PTA.


The modernization of the supported applications and software components is limited to the systems currently running as .NET 6. Existing applications based on .NET Framework will initially remain on version 4.8, as this will continue to be supported by Microsoft. The changeover also included minor refactorings and optimizations, such as the introduction of 'SharedAssemblyInfo' and the selective expansion of unit tests. The conversion posed particular challenges due to the large number of system components and their interdependencies. By consolidating the software components to a common quality standard, additional efficiency gains are to be achieved in the future maintenance of the software units.

Subject description

In order to maintain a modern and secure IT infrastructure, the customer is migrating all applications and components affected by the expiry of .NET 6 support to the currently supported LTS version .NET 8. In addition to the necessary adjustments in the area of individual software development, consolidations are being carried out in the source code area in order to continue to meet current quality and maintenance standards.


Project period18.11.2024 - 20.12.2024

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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