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Supply Power BI with calculations via OData Service

Brief description

The customer's Power BI is to be supplied with invoice values via OData Service. The OData service was registered 'locally' on the ERP systems. The starting point is an RFC function module whose interfaces were imported with the SAP Gateway Builder. Only the EntitySet is used. The functionality of the OData Service was checked via the SAP Gateway Client. Postman was used as a test tool.


The OData service is generated on the basis of an RFC function module. The complete selection logic is contained in this customer-specific RFC function module. The OData service is created via the service generation. During mapping, the processes of an entity set can be mapped to the methods of an RFC/BOR interface using the RFC/BOR generator. Date fields are transferred as text fields, which simplifies processing in Power BI.

Subject description

The use of an OData service to supply Power BI now makes it possible for the departments to pull current data from the SAP ERP system at any time. Alternatively, there is a file interface that generates a .csv file. This file must then be transferred to Power BI.


Project start04.12.2024

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Marcus Rödiger, ein Mann mit braunen Haaren und Brille

Marcus Rödiger

Head of Consumer Goods & Retail

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