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Test automation for an actuarial web application

Brief description

The role involves maintaining, enhancing, and documenting automated tests for a cloud-based application for actuarial testing and regression test calculations. The application is at the heart of maintaining the stability of the pricing components as they are adjusted and expanded. Cypress is used to create the test cases.


In addition to the maintenance of existing test cases, a continuous expansion of the test case set takes place. In addition, comprehensive documentation is created, which includes not only the description of existing test cases but also the creation of a test requirements overview, which is used as a basis for the creation of new tests. The continuous execution of test cases and their results is made transparent through comprehensive reporting. The processing of failed test cases is done by tickets.

Subject description

To ensure correct functionality, the customer relies heavily on automated interface testing using Cypress in addition to unit tests. Written tests are kept in a git repository and started daily using Jenkins pipelines automatically, but also manually if required. According to defined scopes, different scopes for regression testing are launched and processed by cloud-based services. The top priority of the work is always the triage of results and analysis of failures, resulting either in the creation of bug tickets or in the adaptation of the failed Cypress tests.


Project start01.09.2021

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