23. October 2018

Electronic patient file

PTA supports process optimization

Electronic patient file to arrive by 2021 according to plan

Agreement has finally been reached on the distribution of tasks for the electronic patient file (ePA). The agreement is considered a milestone for digitalization in the healthcare sector. Affected companies and organizations must now analyse the relevant processes in order to exploit the maximum potential. The PTA offers support for this.

ePA as the basis for the healthcare of the future

After 15 years of virtually nothing happening, the concept should now be in place by 2021. In just over two years’ time, everything must be completed so that every patient has an electronic patient file that they can access via their smartphone.

The aim of the ePA is to ensure that every patient has full control over their health data. They control who gets access to their data. Health data is exchanged via standardized interfaces in a secure network called telematics infrastructure. Patients determine which data service providers such as doctors, hospitals and pharmacies are allowed to view and can transmit data to payers such as private and statutory health insurance companies. This digital networking in the healthcare system is intended to improve the quality of patient care, as patients can now provide their doctors with all the data they need without having to organize and transport letters and CDs with X-ray images. It is hoped that this will avoid duplication of treatment, detect unwanted drug interactions at an early stage through coordinated medication plans and ultimately reduce costs.

The patient retains data sovereignty at all times. He alone controls who is allowed to access the data and who is not.

PTA supports process analysis and optimization

Now that the decision-makers have agreed, it is up to companies and organizations such as doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies to analyze their processes in terms of digitization options and existing interoperability in order to tap the maximum potential of paperless data exchange.

PTA supports this task with in-depth process and networking expertise. Together with the parties involved, PTA takes stock of the relevant processes, analyses the most promising primary goals, develops the first steps for technical implementation and provides support in the realization of process digitalization. All of this is done pragmatically and in compliance with applicable standards.

By advising the PTA on the introduction of the ePA, all digitization processes are optimally designed in good time.

Dr. Thomas Steinmann

Sector Manager Life Science

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