13. December 2023

Donation campaign 2023

We wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2024

An eventful year is drawing to a close and we, the PTA Group, would like to wish our customers, partners and friends a Merry Christmas! For the coming year and all the challenges, tasks and goals associated with it, we wish you attention, motivation and confidence. In short: a successful and happy 2024.

PTA donates for Christmas – focus on two projects

As every year, we as the PTA Group are once again donating to a good cause. True to the vision firmly anchored in our corporate philosophy “We help customers achieve sustainable success in a digital future with our motivated talents”, we have decided to support two pioneering initiatives this year.

On the one hand, we want to promote the nationwide Hacker School. Its aim is to arouse the interest of children and young people aged 11 to 18 in technology, programming and creative thinking. The central aim of the Hacker School is to give young people the opportunity to try out programming for themselves, to get them excited about the world of IT and to strengthen their digital skills. This is an objective that we as an IT consultancy actively support, especially in view of the increasingly urgent shortage of skilled workers.

As a responsible company, we are also committed to sustainability, so it wasn’t too difficult to choose our second favorite project. We donate to PRIMAKLIMA and thus support the climate protection projects of the non-profit organization, which has been active since 1991 and is tirelessly committed to the worldwide preservation and increase of forests. For a stable climate, PRIMAKLIMA implements projects that tackle the root of the problems and have a major impact. Numerous projects abroad benefit people who are already suffering particularly from the consequences of the climate crisis, even though they have hardly contributed to it.

Robert Fischer

Marketing Manager

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