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BI Plattform as a Service

Project duration: 1 year, 1 month

Brief description

A cloud-based BI platform is provided as a service for the development of an Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDWH), data management, reporting and data science applications. The PTA provides support for tool selection in the form of proof of concept, the administration of databases and system components and the connection of source systems.


The system components are set up in the Open Telekom Cloud and the Amazon Cloud as a service and as independent virtual environments. Each component is divided into three stages (development, integration and production) either physically or logically. The stages are reflected in the architecture of the EDWH and are adapted to the requirements of the ETL developers or the reporting departments. In addition to manual installations or updates, PTA supports the automation of maintenance processes (authorisation, data access, inclusion of new data sources) and enables agile working methods on the BI platform, so that new requirements can be implemented with a minimum of effort. The PTA supports in ensuring fail-safe operation of the platform by designing and introducing technical and functional monitoring for relevant system components.

Subject description

On the one hand, a BI platform is subject to constant change and on the other hand it should always provide a stable basis for the development of EDWH and BI applications. The automation of various processes and flexible design of the system components helps to react to new requirements in a timely manner.

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