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Capital Reporting

Brief description

The customer regularly provides the parent company with data from a core system as reporting. For this purpose, the data has to be processed and enriched, which is controlled with the help of an Excel file. PTA has created a Power BI report, which imports and processes the data using Excel. From this Excel/CSV files can be exported and reported.


PTA develops power query code that can read and understand comparison logic from an Excel file. Furthermore, PTA supports the customer in the further development and conception of the configuration Excel.

Subject description

The data in the core system is raw data which is used in a productive system. For upward reporting, however, a number of additional columns must be calculated from the existing data and some data sets must be combined with each other. The Excel file offers the customer the possibility to adapt the mappings continuously without having to adapt the code.


Project start01.04.2022

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