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Cloud2Cloud migration of web services and online applications

Project duration: 8 months

Brief description

Due to the global consolidation of the cloud platform, more than 200 existing web services and online applications will be transferred from OE-specific private cloud environments (CloudFoundry, OpenShift) to the new target platform as part of an overarching migration project. The new runtime environment for the containers is based on Kubernetes.


The application portfolio to be migrated in the project consists of seven business applications with a total of more than 30 application components. The applications are partly pure web services with and without persistence layer and partly web applications with exposure of GUI to the intranet or also internet. The tasks during the migration will be performed in the role of a technical analyst and include DevOps coordination, coordination with information security as well as compliance and the overall project management, quality assurance and acceptance of the applications on the target platform. In addition, onboarding, and consulting with consumers of the applications/services as well as rollout planning and execution will be managed.

Subject description

On the part of the customer, the migration aims at a technical standardization of cloud computing in a global context. In addition, the new unified platform serves as a basis for no longer developing and operating business applications OU-specifically, but rather for developing assets suitable for global use and rolling them out to all OUs as required. This improves the availability, security, scalability and cost efficiency of IT services worldwide.


Project period01.08.2022 - 31.03.2023

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