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Commission calculation

Project duration: 5 months

Brief description

Monthly commission calculations are created on the basis of invoice information from SAP-SD and transferred to SAP-HR for disbursement.


The original software is no longer up-to-date. The technological platform is to be replaced and the code extensively re-engineered.

Subject description

Double-entry bookkeeping will be introduced for calculating commissions in order to make the transactions more transparent and traceable. The commission models will then be used by the management as a control instrument for the sales targets. In addition to this, the processing of the commission calculation will be automated and verified using control overviews. The saving for the person calculating the commissions is approximately 10 days a month.


Project period15.07.2007 - 06.12.2007

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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