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Comparison of securities prices within the framework of market conformity checks

Project duration: 2 years, 10 months

Brief description

The application is designed for daily checks of securities transactions involving stocks, options, foreign currency, forward exchange transactions, pensions, ETFs and floaters within the framework of market conformity checks in accordance with the BaFin circular letter dated June, 2010 (Model 2).

Subject description

Pursuant to the German Investment Act (InvG) §20 -29, the group-internal prices of various financial products (stocks, options, foreign currency, forward exchange transactions, pensions, floater ETFs) must be checked and compared with the price offered by external providers.   Aim: Replacement and further development of an existing desktop application that imports price information for the market conformity check pursuant to the BaFin circular letter dated June, 2010 and which allows for automated comparison. The results of the comparison enable the specialist department to further clarify and document any deviations.


Project period28.01.2008 - 05.12.2010

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