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Conception risk management system

Project duration: 4 months

Brief description

The customer plans to place the existing management of entrepreneurial risks and opportunities in the context of dismantling industrial plants on a modern technological basis. In particular, the mapping of technical processes, responsibilities and authorizations as well as evaluation options are to be significantly improved. Particular attention will be paid to the standardization and validation of the data to be recorded. Preliminary conceptual work is carried out in close coordination between the department and PTA. The main task of PTA is to record specialist requirements, to check their technical feasibility, and to submit proposals for sensible mapping in a future intranet application for discussion.


Collaboration between business and PTA is handled via a shared board in IT's Azure DevOps Server. Various prototypes or technically / professionally similar applications are used to illustrate aspects such as application operation in order to give all stakeholders involved as accurate an impression as possible of the designed IT solution.

Subject description

The underlying dismantling work is valued at more than 100 million euros. The associated business risks are to be managed efficiently and cost-effectively with the designed IT solution. In addition to the business requirements, technical restrictions and IT specifications are also taken into account. These include data protection and security, access control and authorization management via central IT systems, monitoring and integration into the existing ITSM processes.


Project period01.02.2023 - 31.05.2023

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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