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Connection of an insurance company to the digital pension overview

Brief description

With the introduction of the Digital Pension Overview by the Central Office for the Digital Pension Overview (ZfDR), a portal will be created for citizens in which they can digitally retrieve pension claims from the participating pension funds after online authentication in the personal area of the portal. For the connection of the insurance companies, they provide contract data as well as the last stand message via a synchronous API interface.


The data is processed via a central data platform, which receives data from the source systems via Oracle Golden Gate. The implementation is carried out using Oracle REST Data Service (ORDS) as a multipart/mixed REST service according to the specifications of the ZfDR.

Subject description

The task includes the conception and implementation of the system, data determination and preparation as well as the integration into the organizational processes of the company.

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Joachim Schütter

Key Account Manager

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