Development of an interface between two online systems. A central customer management portal uses selected customer data to access the broker portal’s quotation calculation. General quotation data and documents are transferred back to the calling system after the calculation.
The project involves developing an interface for transferring customer and quotation data between the customer management portal and broker portal. The customer management portal is implemented in Java and the broker portal uses ASP.Net. The new interface for transferring customer data from the customer management portal to the broker portal is implemented via a web service. Within the broker portal, the data is forwarded to the rating system, which runs in a terminal server session. The customer and rating data and the quotation documents are stored in a PostgreSQL database via a C++ interface. A Windows service implemented in C# returns saved data to the customer management portal at regular intervals.
Subject description
Broker advisors use the customer management portal to find and manage customers. Specific insurance quotations are created in the broker portal. In order to avoid multiple entries and to standardize the data stocks, the two systems are to be integrated; in other words, the customer data is to be transferred directly from the customer management portal to the broker portal. Once the quotation has been prepared, the quotation data and documents are sent back to the customer management portal. Broker advisors can access quotation data in the customer management portal and make it available to brokers. If there are any requests for changes, it is also possible for broker advisors to access existing quotations in the broker portal from the customer management portal.