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Consolidation of experience in building cloud-based data platform solutions

Project duration: 1 year, 5 months

Brief description

In the area of business intelligence, new concepts for the development of business intelligence solutions are becoming possible, driven by the new possibilities of the large cloud platforms. In addition to the introduction of data lake concepts, these concepts include a successive preparation of company data up to a data marketplace, which is made available via self-service BI solutions. The experiences from several years of project work are consolidated in this project and transferred into a best practice model.


With the spread of cloud platform solutions and the efforts of many companies to make better use of their data across departments, existing data warehouse solutions are increasingly being supplemented or replaced by data platforms with extract, load and transform (ELT) processes typical of data lake concepts. To make it easier to work with the data and to ensure its quality, topics such as data governance are becoming increasingly important. This project focuses on the different approaches and technical implementations at companies from various industries. The insights gained show that standards for the structure and architecture of such business intelligence solutions are increasingly emerging. However, the introduction and the creation of the necessary cultural and organizational framework conditions remain a very company-specific challenge.

Subject description

The aim is to classify and concretize buzzwords such as Data Mesh, BigData, Data Marketplace, Data Governance and Data Fabric solutions against the background of practical experience. The insights gained will help to support other companies in dealing with business intelligence issues and the introduction of data platforms.


Project period04.01.2021 - 31.05.2022

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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