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Continued development of a system for the distribution of insurance policies for private individuals

Project duration: 9 months

Brief description

The project involves the continued development of a cloud-based system for the sale of property and casualty insurance products. It is a web app with an Angular-based frontend and a backend based on Java Spring Boot. PTA supports the project, which is based in an agile environment, especially in programming and test automation.


The front-end of the application is based on TypeScript and includes several interconnected Angular applications that use Angular Redux to exchange and hold data. The Java-based backend communicates with a variety of connected services, takes care of storing and loading operations, and passes the corresponding data to the frontend. JUnit, Jest and Cypress are used for testing. Tools such as Jenkins, Dynatrace, Grafana and Kibana in particular are used to automate and monitor processes. PTA is supporting the project both in the context of full stack development and with regard to tasks in the areas of testing and DevOps.

Subject description

With the help of a cloud-based web application, the customer has the option of selling various P&C insurance policies including liability, household contents, legal protection, residential building, casualty, pet owners' liability, animal health and hunting liability insurance. In the cloud, the application can be executed independently of device, operating system and browser.

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