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Development of a high-performance analytics engine for an innovative cloud application

Project duration: 2 months

Brief description

An analytics component is being developed for a cloud application. The application is a SaaS solution and uses a digital video consultation assistant to support the digitalization of customer service and sales processes by means of avatar based video consultations. In order to provide customers with options to evaluate the effectiveness of use cases, the analytics component offers anonymized access figures and usage scenarios.


The SaaS application is scalable, configurable and includes fully automated execution of consultations in addition to the creation and processing of consultation processes. In order to design specific use cases as optimally as possible, the newly created analytics component provides figures on which parts of the consultation process are used most intensively, which points lead to a break in usage and how many successful consultations have been carried out. All usage data is processed and displayed in purely quantitative numbers and completely anonymized.

Subject description

The digital video consulting assistant is designed so that end customers can use it as personally and individually as possible. Analytics reporting supports the use case design as well as the evaluation of results and the success of use cases deployed to production.


Project period17.07.2023 - 29.09.2023

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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