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Development of a new market research system

Project duration: 4 years, 7 months

Brief description

Replacing an existing market research system by implementing the existing functions and migrating the data to a technical architecture based on SAP NetWeaver and Oracle. Calculations of complex forecasts are implemented using the SPSS standard software.


The new market research system is to be implemented as a web application on the basis of the SAP NetWeaver 2004 platform. The web application shall be operated on an SAP Web Application server cluster and made accessible to users via the SAP Enterprise Portal. WebDynpro in Java is to be used to develop the user interfaces. The individual WebDynpro components are loosely coupled and are to be used as standalone iViews in the portal. The mathematical functions needed to create the forecasts shall be implemented by connecting the SPSS server statistics tools. Data is stored on an Oracle 9i database. Data from the old application is to be migrated. Functions from SAP BW shall be used to create reports.

Subject description

Sales forecasts are to be created, in part, on the basis of various different mathematical trend functions. The forecasts shall also be based on data from various sources (market research, data from the Federal Office of Statistics or the regional statistics offices), which shall be read into the application via import functions, or transferred from other, internal systems.


Project period06.01.2007 - 12.08.2011

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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