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Electronic application processing

Project duration: 2 years, 1 month

Brief description

Design and development of the "electronic application processing in new business" system, which sales staff use to sell mortgage loans. Detailed and system specifications are compiled on the basis of the RUP.


The online system is developed with Visual C++ and Visual Basic in COM technology. It runs in a proprietary user interface and the data is stored on an SQL Server. The application is implemented as a smart client: whereas the stateless components control DB access on the MS Transaction Server (MTS), the stateful components are located on each client computer with the business process logic. Within these components, there is a separation between the business process logic and the user interface. Data is exchanged between the COM layers via ADO record sets. The system works independently of the inventory systems. This enables both high availability and the use of notebooks. Data is transferred to the inventory systems asynchronously in a batch run. The system is designed to be client-compatible and to work with multiple currencies. Many functions can be controlled externally via database tables so that the system can be adjusted without accessing the source code.

Subject description

This application maps the entire process for issuing mortgage loans. The system contains its own customer and object management with its own credit-rating calculation. Financing plans can be calculated and approvals granted in accordance with the "four eyes principle." All the documents for the loan allocation are printed via this system. In the event of refinancing, the data is transferred to the bank's inventory systems.


Project period01.08.1998 - 31.08.2000

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Joachim Schütter

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