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Establishment of a data solution for network access

Brief description

The goal is to set up a transformation process for the automatic processing of existing data deliveries, on the basis of which reports with economic parameters for gas and electricity networks are created. PTA supports the SCRUM masters and product owners of the project.


The goal of the transformation process to be set up is the automated checking and preparation of the data deliveries provided in Excel format and further processing of this raw data into monthly reports in Tableau. The import data is first checked for incorrect structure and content, corrected if necessary, and then stored and historized in an SQL database. The processed raw data is then used to create reports in Tableau with key figures for the gas and electricity networks operated by the customer. The responsible department is also offered a function for commenting on the reports created.

Subject description

The project is part of the customer's program to digitize distribution network operations. The goal is to largely automate the creation of monthly network access controlling reports, which are currently created with a high level of manual effort. In terms of content, the reports essentially provide the network operator's management with overviews of network loads, entry and exit quantities, and balancing group costs.


Project start01.03.2023

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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