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Event planning

Project duration: 1 year, 8 months

Brief description

Designing and developing an intranet application for date and space scheduling for events.


The further development starting in the middle of 2002 makes it possible to add convenient further functions for the intranet users. The existing bookings can be processed or cancelled independently. The poster's personal data is filled in automatically from a group-wide user database. This makes it easier to enter data and ensures that only validated data is used for the transaction. Another user benefit is the recurring date function that can be used to reserve a space for various appointments. In the administrative area, an option for approving spaces according to their availability and utilization was created. It is therefore possible to specify a buffer time/buffer day for each space, or to approve the space for whole or half day bookings only. The changeover to Office 2002 at the start of 2004 resulted in a migration of the MS Access 97 database to MS Access 2002.

Subject description

Free events can be identified and reserved by in-house customers (employees). Catering and special equipment can be ordered for booked events. A separate MS Access application is created for the administrative part.


Project period01.02.2001 - 09.10.2002

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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